10 Pa. Stat. § 111

Current through Pa Acts 2024-53, 2024-56 through 2024-127
Section 111 - Distribution of funds, etc., of unincorporated beneficial societies

The funds and effects of unincorporated associations for benevolent, charitable or beneficial purposes, constituted or organized under any warrant or charter granted by any association recognized or acknowledged as the parent or superior body, where the rules and regulations of such parent or superior body require that, upon the dissolution, expulsion, surrender of warrant or charter, or vacation of the same by such parent or superior body, the moneys, property and effects of such subordinate association shall be delivered and paid to the parent or superior body, are hereby declared to be trust property, and it shall be unlawful for any such subordinate association to divide or distribute the moneys, property or effects, or any part thereof, to and among the members of such subordinate association, or any member thereof, either directly or indirectly, or by way of donation; but all such moneys, property and other effects of such subordinate associations, upon the dissolution, expulsion, surrender of warrant or charter, or vacation of the same by the parent or superior body for which they have obtained the warrant or charter, under which they have been constituted or organized, shall be paid and delivered to the proper officers of such parent or superior body; and in case any such subordinate association shall or may have made any division or distribution of the moneys, property or effects held by such subordinate association, or any part thereof, to or among the members thereof, or any number of them, either directly or indirectly, the principal officers or trustees of the parent or superior body, to the use of such parent or superior body, may recover such moneys, property or other effects so divided or distributed contrary to the provisions of this act, from the person or persons to whom the same, or any part thereof, shall or may have been paid or delivered; and the several courts of equity of this common wealth are hereby vested with full power and authority to enforce the provisions of this act, as in other cases within their jurisdiction. And the said parent or superior body to whom any moneys, property or other effects of such subordinate association shall be paid and delivered, shall take and hold the same for the purposes and intents for which they were received and held by such subordinate associations: Provided however, That all suits commenced or brought to enforce the provisions of this act shall be commenced or brought within two years next after the time when such division or distribution shall have been made.

10 P.S. § 111

1883, June 20, P.L. 132, § 1.