Appointees, employees and prospective employees engaged in the service of the commissions or the board and applicants under this part shall submit to fingerprinting and photographing by the Pennsylvania State Police or by a local law enforcement agency capable of submitting fingerprints and photographs electronically to the Pennsylvania State Police utilizing the Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System and the Commonwealth Photo Imaging Network or in a manner and in such form as may be provided by the Pennsylvania State Police. Fingerprinting pursuant to this part shall require, at a minimum, the submission of a full set of fingerprints. Photographing pursuant to this part shall require submission to photographs of the face and any scars, marks or tattoos for purposes of comparison utilizing an automated biometric imaging system. The Pennsylvania State Police shall submit fingerprints when requested by the commissions or the board to the Federal Bureau of Investigation for purposes of verifying the identity of the applicants and obtaining records of criminal arrests and convictions in order to prepare criminal history background investigations under section 1801 (relating to duty to provide). Fingerprints and photographs obtained pursuant to this part may be maintained by the commissions, the board and the Pennsylvania State Police for use pursuant to this part and for general law enforcement purposes. In addition to any other fee or cost assessed by the commissions or the board, an applicant shall pay for the cost of fingerprinting and photographing.
4 Pa.C.S. § 1802