Section 16986 - Snow fences(a)Placement.--A county that is responsible for the maintenance of any road may enter upon private property adjacent to the road and place snow fences, at any point as may be necessary to within a limit of 100 feet from the right-of-way line of the road, in order to eliminate snow drifting on the traveled portion.(b) Timeframe.--A snow fence, authorized under this section, may not be placed prior to November 1 nor shall the same remain in place after April 1 of the succeeding year, unless the written consent of the owner of the adjacent property is obtained, agreeing to an extension of time for the removal of the snow fence.(c)Damages.--If the county responsible for the maintenance of the road is not able to enter into an agreement with the owner of adjacent property occupied by the snow fence as to the amount of damages sustained as a result of the fence being placed and removed, the owner may petition the court of the proper county for the appointment of viewers to ascertain the amount of damages incurred. The appointment of viewers and the procedure for viewing shall be governed by and be in accordance with this part, as provided for eminent domain proceedings. Damages, if any, if ascertained, shall be paid by the county responsible for the maintenance of the road, and any money available to the county for the construction and maintenance of roads under the county's supervision shall be available for the payment of damages.Added by P.L. (number not assigned at time of publication) 2024 No. 14,§ 4, eff. 7/8/2024.