- Section 72.8010 - Definitions for ORS 72.8010 to 72.8200
- Section 72.8020 - Manufacturer's implied warranty of merchantability
- Section 72.8030 - Manufacturer's implied warranty of fitness
- Section 72.8040 - Retailer's or distributor's implied warranty of fitness
- Section 72.8050 - Disclaimer of implied warranty of merchantability or implied warranty of fitness; manner and effect
- Section 72.8060 - Express warranty
- Section 72.8070 - Right to make express warranty; effect of express warranty upon disclaimer; duration of implied warranty of merchantability or implied warranty of fitness
- Section 72.8090 - Form of express warranty; designation of service and repair facilities
- Section 72.8100 - Manufacturer's service and repair; facilities within state; nonconforming good; inability to service; buyer's delivery or notice of nonconforming good
- Section 72.8110 - Retailer's service and repair of nonconforming good in absence of manufacturer's service and repair facilities within state; buyer's delivery or notice of nonconforming good
- Section 72.8120 - Time for commencement of service and repair; effect of delay; tender of conforming goods
- Section 72.8130 - Liability to retailer of manufacturer not maintaining service and repair facility within state
- Section 72.8140 - Unauthorized or unreasonable use after sale
- Section 72.8150 - Service contract in addition to or in lieu of express warranty
- Section 72.8160 - Express warranty in addition to implied warranties
- Section 72.8170 - Authority of manufacturer who makes express warranty to suggest methods of effectuating service and repair
- Section 72.8180 - Buyer's waiver of ORS 72.8010 to 72.8200
- Section 72.8190 - Status of remedies under ORS 72.8010 to 72.8200; effect of unconstitutionality
- Section 72.8200 - Operative dates