- Section 830.100 - Boating safety policy
- Section 830.105 - State Marine Board
- Section 830.110 - Powers and duties of board; rules
- Section 830.115 - Boating survey
- Section 830.120 - Term; vacancies
- Section 830.125 - Compensation and expenses
- Section 830.130 - Officers; quorum; meetings
- Section 830.135 - State Marine Director
- Section 830.137 - Disposition of funds received through Clean Vessel Act and through Boating Infrastructure Grant Program; priority
- Section 830.140 - Boating Safety, Law Enforcement and Facility Account; sources; disposition; enforcement by cities and counties
- Section 830.145 - [Repealed]
- Section 830.150 - Disbursement of funds for boating facilities; priorities; water quality protection; hearing
- Section 830.155 - Revolving fund; limit
- Section 830.160 - Board authority to remove obstructions from water
- Section 830.165 - Boating safety educational program; youthful boat operator program
- Section 830.170 - Agreements with other jurisdictions
- Section 830.172 - County boat use permit program review