Section 54.060 - Making of jury lists(1) The justice of the peace in each district shall, in January of each year, or in case of an omission or neglect so to do then as soon as possible thereafter, make a jury list for the district.(2) A preliminary jury list shall be made by selecting names of inhabitants of the district by lot from the latest jury list sources. The jury list sources are the elector registration list for the district, copies of the Department of Transportation records for the county referred to in ORS 802.260(2) furnished to the justice at county expense by the clerk of court, as defined in ORS 10.010, for the county and any other source that the justice determines will furnish a fair cross section of the inhabitants of the district.(3) Jury list sources may not contain and the justice of the peace is not required to obtain information about individuals who are participants in the Address Confidentiality Program under ORS 192.820 to 192.868.(4) From the preliminary jury list the names of those persons known not to be qualified by law to serve as jurors shall be deleted. The remaining names shall constitute the jury list. The preliminary jury list and jury list may be made by means of electronic equipment. Amended by 1983 c.673 §14; 1987 c.681 §4; 2007 c. 542, § 15