Section 602.035 - Beekeeping within residential areas(1) The Oregon State University Extension Service, in consultation with the State Department of Agriculture and beekeeping organizations, shall establish by written policy best practices for beekeeping within residential areas.(2) The policy set forth under subsection (1) of this section shall include recommendations to address: (a) The application of local nuisance ordinances to manage conflicts that arise from beekeeping within residential areas;(b) Methods for mitigating conflicts that arise from beekeeping within residential areas; and(c) Local government oversight of beekeeping activities within residential areas.(3) The Oregon State University Extension Service shall collaborate with the League of Oregon Cities and the Association of Oregon Counties to:(a) Disseminate the best practices described in subsection (1) of this section to local governments; and(b) Make information about the activity of beekeeping in residential areas available to the governing bodies of local governments and the general public.