ORS § 469.062

Current through 2024 Regular Session legislation effective June 6, 2024
Section 469.062 - Comprehensive state energy strategy; periodic update
(1) The State Department of Energy shall develop a comprehensive state energy strategy that identifies optimized pathways to achieving the state's energy policy objectives.
(2) The state energy strategy must be informed, at a minimum, by the following:
(a) Stakeholder perspectives;
(b) State laws, policies and targets regarding energy and greenhouse gas emissions;
(c) Existing energy and integrated resource plans;
(d) Energy-related studies and data analysis; and
(e) State energy policy objectives.
(3) In identifying optimized pathways to achieving the state's energy policy objectives, the state energy strategy must take into account, at a minimum, the following factors:
(a) State energy demand and trends;
(b) Energy resources and technology choices in consideration of costs, energy efficiency, feasibility and availability;
(c) Economic and employment impacts;
(d) Energy burden and affordability;
(e) Energy resilience, as defined in section 29, chapter 508, Oregon Laws 2021, and energy reliability;
(f) Environmental justice, as defined in ORS 469A.400;
(g) Land use considerations;
(h) Natural resource impacts;
(i) Emerging technologies and investment opportunities;
(j) Energy generation, transmission and distribution infrastructure needed to achieve state energy policy objectives;
(k) Existing and potential incentives to support energy efficiency, development and deployment;
(l) Energy security and impacts of broader markets;
(m) Community benefits; and
(n) Community energy resilience, as defined in section 29, chapter 508, Oregon Laws 2021.
(a) In developing the state energy strategy, the department shall engage with relevant state agencies, federally recognized Indian tribes and stakeholders. At a minimum, the stakeholders must represent a diverse range of:
(A) Interests, perspectives, expertise and education;
(B) Socioeconomic backgrounds;
(C) Communities; and
(D) Geographic areas of this state.
(b) The department may convene an advisory work group to inform the department on the department's engagement with stakeholders and development of the state energy strategy.
(a) The department shall ensure that the state energy strategy developed under this section reflects the best available information, data analyses and time horizons necessary to achieving the state's energy policy objectives.
(b) The department shall periodically update the state energy strategy to reflect current information, data analysis and state energy policy objectives.
(c) The department shall inform the Governor and Legislative Assembly when the department updates the state energy strategy.
(6) The department may contract with third parties for assistance in performing the department's duties under this section, including assistance with technical or facilitation services.
(7) All agencies of state government, as defined in ORS 174.111, are directed, to the extent permitted by laws relating to confidentiality, to furnish such information and advice to the department as the department considers necessary to perform the department's duties under this section.

ORS 469.062

Added by 2023 Ch. 562, § 2

469.062 was enacted into law by the Legislative Assembly but was not added to or made a part of ORS chapter 469 or any series therein by legislative action. See Preface to Oregon Revised Statutes for further explanation.

Sections 3 and 4, chapter 562, Oregon Laws 2023, provide:

Sec. 3. (1) The State Department of Energy shall produce a report regarding the state energy strategy developed under section 2 of this 2023 Act [469.062]. The report, at minimum, must:

(a) Summarize the state energy strategy and optimized pathways to achieving the state's energy policy objectives;

(b) Describe the department's engagement process with stakeholders and how stakeholder perspectives informed the state energy strategy; and

(c) Recommend legislation or changes to policy necessary to implement the state energy strategy.

(2) The department shall submit the report produced under subsection (1) of this section to the Governor and the appropriate interim committees of the Legislative Assembly in the manner provided under ORS 192.245 no later than November 1, 2025. [2023 c. 562, § 3]

Sec. 4. Section 3 of this 2023 Act is repealed on January 2, 2026. [2023 c. 562, § 4]