Section 273.573 - Natural areas advisory committee(1) To aid and advise the State Parks and Recreation Director in the performance of the functions related to the Natural Areas Program, the director may establish a natural areas advisory committee.(2) The advisory committee may assist the State Parks and Recreation Department:(a) In the development of policy for the Natural Areas Program through the review and approval of the Oregon Natural Areas Plan;(b) By reviewing nominations for registration and the voluntary dedication of natural areas, and instruments of dedication for such areas;(c) In providing recommendations to the State Parks and Recreation Commission, State Land Board, State Board of Forestry, State Fish and Wildlife Commission, public universities listed in ORS 352.002 and Oregon Transportation Commission regarding areas under their respective jurisdictions that are appropriate for dedication; and(d) In advising the State Parks and Recreation Commission in the adoption of rules that may be considered necessary in carrying out ORS 273.563 to 273.591.(3) Members of the advisory committee are not entitled to compensation, but in the discretion of the director may be reimbursed from funds available to the department for actual and necessary travel and other expenses incurred by them in the performance of their official duties in the manner and amount provided in ORS 292.495.Amended by 2015 Ch. 767,§ 74, eff. 7/27/2015, op. 7/1/2015.