- Section 243.105 - Definitions for ORS 243.105 to 243.285
- Section 243.107 - Employees of public universities eligible to participate in benefit plan
- Section 243.110 - [Repealed]
- Section 243.115 - [Repealed]
- Section 243.120 - [Repealed]
- Section 243.125 - Powers and duties of board; rules
- Section 243.129 - Participation in benefit plan by local government
- Section 243.130 - [Repealed]
- Section 243.135 - Health benefit plans for eligible employees; terms and conditions
- Section 243.140 - Health benefit and dental plans for persons operating foster homes
- Section 243.142 - Application for federal waiver
- Section 243.144 - [Operative Until 10/1/2024] Health benefit plan coverage requirements
- Section 243.144 - [Operative 10/1/2024] Health benefit plan coverage requirements
- Section 243.144 - [Operative 6/30/2026] Health benefit plan coverage requirements
- Section 243.145 - Board authority with respect to health benefit plans; termination of participation
- Section 243.155 - [Repealed]
- Section 243.156 - Coverage of adult disabled children
- Section 243.157 - [Repealed]
- Section 243.160 - Eligibility of retired officer or employee to participate in dental benefit plan; rules
- Section 243.163 - Eligibility of former member of Legislative Assembly to participate in group benefit plan
- Section 243.165 - Public Employees' Benefit Account; continuing appropriation to account
- Section 243.167 - Public Employees' Revolving Fund; continuing appropriation to fund
- Section 243.170 - Contributions for job-share employees limited
- Section 243.175 - [Repealed]
- Section 243.180 - [Repealed]
- Section 243.182 - [Repealed]
- Section 243.185 - Transfer of moneys from General Fund for payment of costs of health benefit plans
- Section 243.195 - [Repealed]
- Section 243.200 - Participation of self-pay groups in benefit plans
- Section 243.205 - Reports
- Section 243.215 - Certain eligible employees permitted to receive employer contributions for health benefit plans of their choice; rules
- Section 243.220 - [Renumbered]