- Section 130.650 - UTC 801. Duty to administer trust
- Section 130.655 - UTC 802. Duty of loyalty
- Section 130.660 - UTC 803. Impartiality
- Section 130.665 - UTC 804. Prudent administration
- Section 130.670 - UTC 805. Costs of administration
- Section 130.675 - UTC 806. Trustee's skills
- Section 130.680 - UTC 807. Delegation by trustee
- Section 130.685 - UTC 808. Powers to direct
- Section 130.690 - UTC 809. Control and protection of trust property
- Section 130.695 - UTC 810. Recordkeeping and identification of trust property
- Section 130.700 - UTC 811. Enforcement and defense of claims
- Section 130.705 - UTC 812. Collecting trust property
- Section 130.710 - UTC 813. Duty to inform and report
- Section 130.715 - UTC 814. Discretionary powers; tax savings; inclusion of capital gains in income
- Section 130.720 - UTC 815. General powers of trustee
- Section 130.725 - UTC 816. Specific powers of trustee
- Section 130.730 - UTC 817. When interest of beneficiary vests; distribution upon termination
- Section 130.733 - Notice of proposed trustee action to beneficiaries; right of beneficiary to object