- Section 3106.3 - Oklahoma Government Website Information Act
- Section 3106.4 - Public bodies - Required posting of information on website
- Section 3107 - [Repealed]
- Section 3108 - [Repealed]
- Section 3109 - [Repealed]
- Section 3110 - Utility bills exempt
- Section 3111 - Use of Social Security numbers by state or subdivision prohibited - Exceptions
- Section 3112 - [Repealed]
- Section 3113 - Disclosure of information indexed by social security numbers prohibited - Exceptions
- Section 3113.1 - Disclosure of breach of security of computerized personal information
- Section 3114 - State officials and employees prohibited from soliciting or accepting contributions for candidates
- Section 3116 - Heroic Oklahoman Award
- Section 3117 - Increase of fees by state agencies - When permitted - Notice - Justification and documentation
- Section 3118 - Written response at time of denial of permit, license or tax exemption
- Section 3119 - State employee membership - Department of Corrections - General mailing list
- Section 3121 - Short title - Government Transparency Act of 2019
- Section 3122 - Agency reports of all Memorandums of Understanding or Memorandums of Agreement