Section 8225 - Long-term development planA. In addition to other responsibilities imposed upon it by law, the Greenwood Area Redevelopment Authority shall develop a long-term plan for the redevelopment of the Greenwood Area. The Authority may engage the services of such advisors, consultants or other persons or business entities as may be required in order to formulate the plan.B. The plan shall include: 1. An assessment of the existing conditions of the Greenwood Area, including, but not limited to: c. employment or unemployment rates,d. workforce characteristics,f. existing land use regulations or restrictions,g. available utilities such as water, electricity, solid and other waste disposal and access to telecommunication services, including but not limited to conventional or fiber optic cable,h. identification of persons or entities doing business within the Greenwood Area,i. identification of existing infrastructure such as water, sewer, roads, and other public sector assets which are material to business location, business investment and business reinvestment decisions,j. traffic volume and characteristics,k. any existing economic development incentives applicable to persons or entities within the Greenwood Area, including but not limited to areas which qualify as enterprise zones pursuant to Section 690.1 et seq. of Title 62 of the Oklahoma Statutes and any existing or proposed increment or incentive districts pursuant to the Local Development Act, Section 850 et seq. of Title 62 of the Oklahoma Statutes, and l. such other demographic data or characteristics as the Authority or its consultants or advisors consider to be relevant to the mission and responsibilities imposed upon the Authority pursuant to this section;2. Specific recommendations regarding the redevelopment and reinvestment of capital within the Greenwood Area, including, but not limited to recommendations regarding the uses of real property most conducive to the redevelopment and reinvestment of the Greenwood Area, whether for residential dwellings, wholesale or retail business activity, commercial and industrial activity, governmental uses, community assets such as parks and similar development, and such other uses of the Greenwood Area real property most conducive to a sustained and viable redevelopment and reinvestment resulting in a productive use of the real property and improvements located within the Greenwood Area;3. An analysis of the efforts of other states or political subdivisions with respect to the redevelopment and reinvestment of areas with economic characteristics similar to the Greenwood Area with recommendations to duplicate successful models or programs, whether through the stimulation of private investment, the use of government resources to stimulate private investment, community development programs and other methods as deemed advisable by the Authority;4. A specific list of resources that might be utilized in the redevelopment and reinvestment effort, including, but not limited to:a. federal grants or loans or programs offered through any federal agency such as the United States Department of Commerce and the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development,b. state programs available to individuals or business entities, whether in the form of grants or loans or other programs, which would have the effect of stimulating redevelopment and reinvestment in the Greenwood Area,c. local programs available to individuals or business entities which would have the effect of stimulating redevelopment and reinvestment in the Greenwood Area, andd. any program or resource available through private not-for-profit organizations that would be compatible with the goals and objectives of the Authority with respect to its duties for the development of the long-term plan and the identification of specific actions which could be taken to stimulate redevelopment and reinvestment in the Greenwood Area; and5. A projected timetable with specific dates to achieve the recommended development of the Greenwood Area including specific actions to be taken by persons, business entities, financial service providers, contractors, consultants, or other persons or entities in order to achieve the recommendations of the Authority within a realistic period of time.C. The long-term plan of the Authority shall be presented to the mayor of the City of Tulsa, the Speaker of the Oklahoma House of Representatives, the President Pro Tempore of the Oklahoma State Senate and the Governor not later than September 1, 2003.Okla. Stat. tit. 74, § 8225
Added by Laws 2001 , HB 1178, c. 315, §12, emerg. eff. 7/1/2001; Amended by Laws 2002 , HB 2328, c. 395, §4, eff. 11/1/2002; Amended by Laws 2003 , HB 1300, c. 269, §2, emerg. eff. 5/26/2003.