Okla. Stat. tit. 7 § 78
There is hereby created a committee of five (5) vendors who are blind to be known as the State Committee of Blind Vendors. The Department of Rehabilitation Services shall provide for the biennial election of the Committee which, to the extent possible, shall be fully representative of all vendors who are blind in the state program on the basis of such factors as geography and the vending facility type with a goal of providing for proportional representation of vendors who are blind on federal property and vendors who are blind on other property. The Committee shall have the responsibility of participation with the Department in major administrative decisions and policy and program development decisions affecting the overall administration of the state's vending facility program, receiving and transmitting to the Department grievances at the request of vendors who are blind, and serve as advocates for vendors in connection with such grievances. The Committee shall actively participate in the development and administration of a transfer and promotion system for licensees who are blind, and for their training and retraining.
Okla. Stat. tit. 7, § 78