Article 17 - TURNPIKES
- Section 1701 - Purpose - Authority to construct, maintain, repair and operate projects
- Section 1702 - Bonds not obligations of state or subdivisions - Payable from revenues - Statement to be contained in bonds
- Section 1703 - Oklahoma Turnpike Authority created - Liabilities - Members - Officers - Surety bonds - Reimbursement
- Section 1704 - Definitions - Concession contracts or leases
- Section 1705 - Authority - Powers and duties
- Section 1705.1 - Beginning and ending point of authorized turnpikes
- Section 1705.2 - Restaurants and dump stations
- Section 1705.3 - [Repealed]
- Section 1705.4 - [Repealed]
- Section 1705.5 - Tollgate - Feasibility study
- Section 1705.6 - Luther interchange
- Section 1706 - Grade separations - Vacation, relocation, and reconstruction of streets and highways - Entry on lands, waters and premises - Use of state lands
- Section 1707 - Acquisition of lands and interests therein
- Section 1708 - Condemnation proceedings
- Section 1709 - Turnpike revenue bonds
- Section 1710 - Securing bonds by trust agreement
- Section 1711 - Tolls - Contracts for use of portions of project - Rents and charges - Use of revenues - Sinking funds - Regulation of motor carriers
- Section 1712 - Monies deemed trust funds
- Section 1713 - Rights and remedies of bondholders and trustee
- Section 1714 - Exemptions from taxation - Leased property subject to taxation
- Section 1715 - Investments in bonds
- Section 1716 - Maintenance and repair of projects - Employees - Damage or destruction of private property - Lease of real property to Authority by subdivisions and agencies
- Section 1717 - Project to become part of state highway system - Continuation of tolls until bonds are paid
- Section 1717.1 - Transfer of project to state highway system
- Section 1718 - Judicial determination of validity of bonds
- Section 1719 - Refunding bonds
- Section 1720 - Annual report by Authority
- Section 1721 - Law deemed supplemental and additional
- Section 1722 - Location and removal of certain public utilities - Condemnation of railroad property or right-of-way - Exemption from payment of costs and expenses
- Section 1722.1 - Turnpike rights-of-way - Removal of obstructions
- Section 1723 - Oklahoma Turnpikes - Designation
- Section 1724 - Turner section
- Section 1725 - Will Rogers section
- Section 1726 - Indian Nation Turnpike
- Section 1727 - Apportionment of motor fuel taxes on fuels consumed on turnpikes - Limitations
- Section 1728 - Minimum payments for engineering and legal services
- Section 1729 - Determination of amount of fuel consumed on turnpikes
- Section 1730 - Trust fund - Motor fuel tax revenues subject to expenditure and pledge
- Section 1731 - Letting of contracts for turnpike construction
- Section 1732 - Legislative power to alter or amend construction or location
- Section 1733 - Prohibition on construction or financing under public trusts provisions
- Section 1734 - Contractors - Solicitation by employees to procure insurance or surety bonds
- Section 1735 - On-the-job employee safety program
- Section 1736 - Honor the Fallen Revolving Fund