- Section 485.1 - Purpose of act
- Section 485.2 - Oklahoma Spastic Paralysis Commission - Creation - Powers and duties
- Section 485.3 - J.D. McCarty Center for Children with Developmental Disabilities - Establishment and maintenance - Contracts - Payments - Power of Commission - Legal representation - Sale of surplus property and fixtures
- Section 485.4 - Oklahoma Cerebral Palsy Commission - Gifts and bequests
- Section 485.5 - Members of Commission - Appointment - Term - Travel expenses
- Section 485.6 - Officers - Organization - Director and personnel - Legal assistance
- Section 485.7 - Bonds of members
- Section 485.8 - Partial invalidity
- Section 485.9 - Change of name for Institute and Commission
- Section 485.10 - Annuity contracts - Purchases as salary payments
- Section 485.11 - J.D. McCarty Center for Children with Developmental Disabilities Revolving Fund
- Section 485.12 - Exemptions