Okla. Stat. tit. 5A , app 4C R. 4

Current through Laws 2024, c. 453.
Rule 4 - Appellate Procedures
A.APPOINTMENT OF APPELLATE PANEL. Upon receiving notice of the institution of the appellate procedures, the chairperson shall appoint an Appellate Panel consisting of three members of the Committee including one judge member, one attorney member and one lay member. The Chairperson of the Committee shall designate a member of the panel to serve as the panel chairperson. None of the members of this panel shall have served on the Hearing Panel in the matter now before the Committee.
B.NOTIFICATION. The chairperson of the Appellate Panel shall set a date for the hearing and notify the parties. The hearing shall occur within ten (10) business days after receipt of the appellant's notice of appeal and position paper.
C.APPELLEE'S POSITION PAPER. The appellee shall file a written position paper with the panel chairperson and serve a copy on the appellant at least three (3) business days before the date set for hearing. The Appellee's position shall also become a part of the record on appeal.
D.FORM OF POSITION PAPERS. The position papers shall indicate why the specific conduct alleged in the matter does or does not constitute a violation(s) of Canon 4, why the decision of the Hearing Panel was or was not in error and also may indicate why the specific conduct alleged is or is not allowed by law or the Code of Judicial Conduct.
E.ADMINISTRATOR. The chairperson of the Appellate Panel shall act as the administrator of the proceedings and shall call witnesses, hear arguments, entertain objections and take such other actions as are necessary to maintain the decorum of the proceedings.
F.COUNSEL. The parties may be represented by counsel, if desired, or may represent themselves.
1. The hearing shall be a de novo hearing.
2. The parties may call witnesses to give testimony relevant to the issues raised in the pleadings and may present any relevant evidence in support of the party's position.
3. The parties may offer oral arguments in support of their positions.
4. The rules of evidence shall not be strictly enforced and the administrator shall endeavor to conduct the proceedings in such a way as to ascertain the truth of the matter before the panel without allowing undue or duplicative proof.
1. Within five (5) business days of the date of the hearing the Appellate Panel will issue its decision. The Panel may affirm, modify or reverse the decision of the Hearing Panel. If the Committee finds that there has been a violation of the Code of Judicial Conduct it shall determine if remedial action should be imposed and, if any, the remedial action that is to be imposed upon the person or persons committing the violation.
2. The decision shall be issued in writing and shall contain findings of fact and conclusions of law and it shall specify any action taken by the Appellate Panel and the remedial action to be imposed, if any.
3. A majority of the members of the Appellate Panel must agree with the decision and sign it.

Okla. Stat. tit. 5A , app 4C R. 4

Approved by order of the Supreme Court, 2010 OK 91.