Chapter 33 - BAIL BONDSMEN
- Section 1301 - Definitions
- Section 1302 - Power of Commissioner - Written instruments as evidence - Investigative files confidential
- Section 1303 - License required - Acts exempt - Individual license - Renewal - Corporations - Attorneys
- Section 1304 - Expiration date
- Section 1305 - Applications - Contents - Interrogatories and investigation - Fee - Second and subsequent applications - Definitions
- Section 1306 - Cash bondsman - Professional bondsman
- Section 1306A - [Renumbered] Renumbered
- Section 1306.1 - Multicounty agent bondsman - Application - Contents - Deposit - Transfer - Agents
- Section 1307 - [Repealed]
- Section 1308 - Examinations - Fees
- Section 1308.1 - Examination - Educational requirements - Fee - Penalties
- Section 1309 - Renewal licenses
- Section 1310 - Denial, censure, suspension, revocation or refusal to renew license - Grounds - Definitions
- Section 1311 - Violation of laws or rules and regulations relating to bond - Notice - Temporary suspension of license
- Section 1311.1 - Hearings - Record
- Section 1311.2 - Denial, suspension, revocation or refusal to renew license - Effect
- Section 1311.3 - Unlawful acts
- Section 1311.4 - Assisting other licensed bondsmen
- Section 1312 - Appeals
- Section 1313 - [Repealed]
- Section 1314 - Written receipt for collateral - Description of collateral - Fiduciary duties - Monthly reports - Records - Reviewal fee
- Section 1315 - Persons or classes prohibited as bondsmen - Exemptions
- Section 1315.1 - Owners of certain restaurant establishments permitted to be bondsmen - ABLE Commission investigations
- Section 1316 - Signing of bonds - Submission of agreements for approval - Suspension of bail agents - Receipt - Power of attorney
- Section 1317 - Insurers to give notice of appointment of bondsmen or managing general agent - Filing fee - Termination of appointment - Affidavit - Authority of bondsmen
- Section 1318 - Discontinuance of writing bail bonds
- Section 1319 - [Repealed]
- Section 1320 - Registration of license and fee - County list of bondsmen - Certified copy of appointment
- Section 1321 - Qualifications of sureties
- Section 1322 - Affidavit as to undertaking
- Section 1323 - Cash bond
- Section 1324 - Property bond
- Section 1325 - Substitution of bail
- Section 1326 - Defects, omissions, irregularities, etc
- Section 1327 - Surrender of defendant prior to breach - Defendant in custody in another jurisdiction - Recommitment of defendant - Exoneration of bond in original court
- Section 1328 - Procedure for surrender of defendant - Recommitment procedure
- Section 1329 - Arrest - Commitment
- Section 1330 - [Repealed]
- Section 1331 - Property bond - Forfeiture - Filing fee - Collection of forfeiture
- Section 1332 - Forfeiture procedure
- Section 1332.1 - Persons permitted to return defendant to custody
- Section 1333 - Enforcement of liability
- Section 1334 - Bail on personal recognizance
- Section 1335 - Penalty for incurring forfeiture or failing to comply with personal recognizance
- Section 1335.1 - Penalty for providing false information on undertaking or indemnification agreement
- Section 1336 - Penalty
- Section 1337 - Issuance of receipt for funds payable
- Section 1338 - Use of telephone
- Section 1339 - Access to jails
- Section 1340 - Persons excluded
- Section 1341 - Electronic filing
- Section 1350 - Short title - Bail Enforcement and Licensing Act
- Section 1350.1 - Definitions
- Section 1350.2 - Bail enforcement license requirement
- Section 1350.3 - Persons or classes prohibited as enforcers
- Section 1350.4 - Unlicensed bond enforcement
- Section 1350.5 - Prohibition of unnecessary force - Training
- Section 1350.6 - Prohibition of breaking and entering
- Section 1350.7 - Enforcement of act
- Section 1350.8 - Psychological evaluation
- Section 1350.9 - Qualifications - Publication of address - Liability insurance
- Section 1350.10 - Application
- Section 1350.11 - Denial, suspension, or revocation and disciplinary action
- Section 1350.12 - Impersonation of a government official or a bail enforcer
- Section 1350.13 - Restrictions on bail enforcers
- Section 1350.14 - Disclosure of application information
- Section 1350.15 - Identification requirement - Discharge of firearm
- Section 1350.16 - Identifying markings on clothing and vehicles
- Section 1350.17 - Bail enforcement training schools
- Section 1350.18 - Firearm training
- Section 1350.19 - Jail access
- Section 1350.20 - CLEET Bail Enforcement Revolving Fund