Section 3-104 - Service Oklahoma Operator BoardA. There is hereby created the Service Oklahoma Operator Board, which shall be an advisory body to the Director of Service Oklahoma and shall consist of nine (9) members who shall each serve a term of two (2) years.B. The membership of the Board shall be comprised as follows:1. Two members appointed by the Governor;2. Two members appointed by the President Pro Tempore of the Oklahoma State Senate;3. Two members appointed by the Speaker of the Oklahoma House of Representatives;4. One member who shall be a licensed operator, currently in good standing with Service Oklahoma, who operates a Service Oklahoma location in a county with a population of one hundred thousand (100,000) or more, according to the latest Federal Decennial Census data, who shall be appointed by the President Pro Tempore of the Senate;5. One member who shall be a licensed operator, currently in good standing with Service Oklahoma, who operates a Service Oklahoma location in a county with a population of less than one hundred thousand (100,000), according to the latest Federal Decennial Census data, who shall be appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives; and6. One member who shall be the Director of Service Oklahoma or a person designated by the Director.C.1. Appointments to the initial Service Oklahoma Operator Board shall be made within forty-five (45) days of the effective date of this act.2. The Director of Service Oklahoma shall make the initial appointment to fill the position of chair of the Licensed Operator Advisory Committee. This appointee shall only serve until the chair of the Licensed Operator Advisory Committee is determined.3. Each member shall serve at the pleasure of his or her appointing authority and may be removed or replaced without cause.4. Any member of the Board shall be prohibited from voting on any issue in which the member has a direct financial interest.D. The Board shall have the power and duty to:1. Approve guidelines, objectives, and performance standards for licensed operators;2. Establish branding and physical standardization requirements, with the input and recommendation of the Director of Service Oklahoma;3. Establish customer service metrics, analysis, and improvement processes for licensed operators, and processes for termination of licensed operators for failure to comply with the customer service metrics, with the input and recommendation of the Director of Service Oklahoma;4. Make recommendations to the Director of Service Oklahoma on all matters related to licensed operators;5. Assist Service Oklahoma in conducting periodic reviews related to the goals, objectives, priorities, and policies related to licensed operators; and6. Establish rules and qualifications for members of the Licensed Operator Advisory Committee.E. The Board shall hold meetings as necessary at a place and time to be fixed by the Board. The Board shall elect, at its first meeting, one member to serve as chair and one member to serve as vice-chair. At the first meeting in each calendar year, the chair and vice-chair for the ensuing year shall be elected by the Board. Special meetings may be called by the chair or by four members of the Board by delivery of written notice to each member of the Board. F. A majority of the members of the Board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business and taking any official actions. Official action of the Board shall require a favorable vote by a majority of the members present.G. Members of the Board shall serve without compensation but shall be reimbursed for expenses incurred in the performance of their duties in accordance with the provisions of the State Travel Reimbursement Act.H. The Board shall act in accordance with the provisions of the Oklahoma Open Records Act and the Administrative Procedures Act.Okla. Stat. tit. 47, § 3-104
Added by Laws 2022, c. 282, § 4, emerg. eff. 5/19/2022.