Okla. Stat. tit. 43 § 112.3
"You, as a party in this action, are ordered to notify every other party to this action in writing of a proposed relocation of the child, change of your primary residence address, and the following information:
You are further ordered to give written notice of the proposed relocation or change of residence address on or before the sixtieth day before a proposed change. If you do not know and could not have reasonably known of the change in sufficient time to provide a sixty-day notice, you are ordered to give written notice of the change on or before the tenth day after the date that you know of the change.
Your obligation to furnish this information to every other party continues as long as you, or any other person, by virtue of this order, are entitled to custody of or visitation with a child covered by this order.
Your failure to obey the order of this court to provide every other party with notice of information regarding the proposed relocation or change of residence address may result in further litigation to enforce the order, including contempt of court.
In addition, your failure to notify of a relocation of the child may be taken into account in a modification of custody of, visitation with, possession of or access to the child. Reasonable costs and attorney fees also may be assessed against you if you fail to give the required notice.
If you, as the nonrelocating parent, do not file a proceeding seeking a temporary or permanent order to prevent the relocation within thirty (30) days after receipt of notice of the intent of the other party to relocate the residence of the child, relocation is authorized."
Okla. Stat. tit. 43, § 112.3