- Section 1 - Lien defined
- Section 2 - Classes of liens
- Section 3 - General lien
- Section 4 - Special lien - Prior lien
- Section 5 - Law applies to what
- Section 6 - Lien created, how
- Section 7 - Lien created by law
- Section 8 - Lien on future interest
- Section 9 - Lien to take immediate effect
- Section 10 - Lien transfers no title
- Section 11 - Contracts for forfeiture of property and restraining redemption
- Section 12 - Lien does not imply obligation
- Section 13 - Extent of lien limited
- Section 14 - Holder of lien not entitled to compensation
- Section 15 - Priority of liens according to date
- Section 16 - Priority of mortgage for price of realty
- Section 17 - Order of resort for payment of prior liens
- Section 18 - Persons entitled to redeem lien - Federal right of first refusal - Rule of construction
- Section 19 - Holder of inferior lien - Redemption
- Section 20 - Redemption - How made
- Section 21 - Lien is an accessory obligation
- Section 22 - Sale or conversion of property extinguishes lien
- Section 23 - Limitation of time
- Section 24 - Partial performance as extinguishing lien
- Section 25 - Voluntary restoration as extinguishing lien
- Section 26 - Vendor's lien for price of realty
- Section 27 - Waiver of vendor's lien
- Section 28 - Validity of liens of vendors and purchasers
- Section 29 - [Repealed]
- Section 30 - Lien of purchaser of real property
- Section 31 - Lien of factor
- Section 32 - Banker's lien
- Section 33 - Special lien of officer levying attachment or execution
- Section 34 - Other liens
- Section 35 - Judgment liens
- Section 36 - [Repealed]
- Section 37 - [Repealed]
- Section 38 - [Repealed]
- Section 39 - Keeper of inn, hotel, boardinghouse, or rooming house - Lien on baggage and other property - Limitation - Enforcement
- Section 40 - [Repealed]
- Section 41 - [Repealed]
- Section 42 - [Repealed]
- Section 43 - Hospital liens in personal injury cases - Priority - Exception
- Section 44 - Filing of notice of lien - Enforcement by civil action
- Section 45 - Insurance agent's lien
- Section 46 - Physician's lien
- Section 47 - Provider of seed, chemicals, pesticides, herbicides or fertilizer - Agricultural lien
- Section 48 - Provider of seed, chemicals, pesticides, herbicides or fertilizer - General agriculture commodities lien
- Section 49 - Ambulance service provider liens