- Section 131 - [Repealed]
- Section 132 - Removal of stock from distraint without leave of possessor - Penalty - Civil liability
- Section 133 - Stock "owner" defined
- Section 134 - Land "owner" defined
- Section 135 - Proceedings after distraint - Assessment of damages - Notices - Sale - Surplus
- Section 136 - Assessment of damages - Filing - Review - Bond - Supersedeas - Delivery of stock to owner appealing - Certification of papers
- Section 139 - Controversy over partition fence - Application to fence viewers - Notice - Authority of viewers
- Section 140 - Repair or reconstruction of fence by complainant - Recovery of value and viewers' fees from landowner - Interest
- Section 141 - Fence viewers - Number - Qualifications - Appointment - Compensation
- Section 142 - Fence repair
- Section 143 - Commons - Owners not required to fence - Lands enclosed or used otherwise than as commons - Duty to fence
- Section 144 - Severalty owned lands enclosed in common without partition fence - Division of fence line - Construction of fence
- Section 145 - Opening field for use as commons - Notice
- Section 146 - Joinder to partition fence - Payment for or rebuilding of half of fence
- Section 147 - Recorded fence division - Effect on owners and successors
- Section 148 - Application of term "owner"
- Section 149 - Fence or improvements on land of another - Removal - Damages - Notice to remove - Effect of nonremoval
- Section 150 - Fence or improvements on land of another - When not removable
- Section 150.1 - Property line across an existing boundary or division line fence, notice to adjacent owner - Cause of action - Attorney fees
- Section 151 - Additional powers of fence viewers
- Section 152 - Erection and removal of line fence
- Section 153 - Legal proceedings or agreement not barred
- Section 154 - Lawful fence - Construction - Material - Height - Tightening
- Section 155 - Damages by animals breaking fences - Seizure
- Section 156 - Lien of judgment for damages on trespassing stock - Execution