- Section 261 - Short title
- Section 262 - Authorized gaming licenses
- Section 262.1 - Occupation gaming licenses - Independent testing laboratory license
- Section 263 - Distributions and payments by licensees
- Section 264 - Race meetings - Number required
- Section 265 - Transfer of purse money - Agreements - Rescission
- Section 266 - Out-of-state full card simulcast races
- Section 267 - Official representatives of Thoroughbred and non-Thoroughbred horses - Negotiations and covenants - Financial accounting
- Section 268 - Certification of electronic games - Review by Commission - Modification of electronic games
- Section 269 - Definitions
- Section 270 - Player terminals - Recording, monitoring and regulating play
- Section 271 - Minimum standards for games
- Section 272 - Audit of game software
- Section 273 - Bonanza-style games
- Section 274 - Instant bingo games
- Section 275 - Standards for player terminals
- Section 276 - Electronic accounting systems
- Section 277 - Standards for cashless transaction systems
- Section 278 - Electronic game components - Certification by manufacturer
- Section 279 - Disputes - Collection of data
- Section 280 - Offer of model tribal gaming contract
- Section 280.1 - Non-house-banked table games supplement
- Section 281 - Model Tribal Gaming Compact
- Section 282 - Organization Gaming License Fees - Oklahoma Horse Racing Commission Gaming Regulation Revolving Fund - Occupation Gaming License Fees