- Section 6411 - Short title
- Section 6412 - Market Assistance Association - Creation
- Section 6413 - Definitions
- Section 6414 - Market Assistance Association - Powers and duties - Plan of operation - Insurer's financial liability - Termination of membership
- Section 6415 - Board of directors - Membership - Term - Vacancies - Meetings - Approval of selections - Compensation
- Section 6416 - Good faith statements - Liability
- Section 6417 - Annual statement - Examination of Accounts, etc. - Report to members
- Section 6418 - Use of filed rates for liability and homeowners' insurance
- Section 6419 - Rules and regulations
- Section 6420 - Property and casualty insurance companies - Voluntary Market Assistance Association
- Section 6421 - Dissolution of Association - Reimplementation
- Section 6422 - Participation in assessments and writings of Association