Okla. Stat. tit. 22 § 991a

Current through Laws 2024, c. 453.
Section 991a - [Effective 11/1/2024] [Multiple versions] Sentencing powers of court - Alcohol and drug assessment and evaluation - Restitution, fines or incarceration - Victim impact statements - Probation and monitoring - DNA samples
A. Except as otherwise provided in the Elderly and Incapacitated Victim's Protection Program, when a defendant is convicted of a crime and no death sentence is imposed, the court shall either:
1. Suspend the execution of sentence in whole or in part, with or without probation. The court, in addition, may order the convicted defendant at the time of sentencing or at any time during the suspended sentence to do one or more of the following:
a. to provide restitution to the victim as provided by Section 991f et seq. of this title or according to a schedule of payments established by the sentencing court, together with interest upon any pecuniary sum at the rate of twelve percent (12%) per annum, if the defendant agrees to pay such restitution or, in the opinion of the court, if the defendant is able to pay such restitution without imposing manifest hardship on the defendant or the immediate family and if the extent of the damage to the victim is determinable with reasonable certainty,
b. to reimburse any state agency for amounts paid by the state agency for hospital and medical expenses incurred by the victim or victims, as a result of the criminal act for which such person was convicted, which reimbursement shall be made directly to the state agency, with interest accruing thereon at the rate of twelve percent (12%) per annum,
c. to engage in a term of community service without compensation, according to a schedule consistent with the employment and family responsibilities of the person convicted,
d. to pay a reasonable sum into any trust fund established pursuant to the provisions of Sections 176 through 180.4 of Title 60 of the Oklahoma Statutes and which provides restitution payments by convicted defendants to victims of crimes committed within this state wherein such victim has incurred a financial loss,
e. to confinement in the county jail for a period not to exceed six (6) months,
f. to confinement as provided by law together with a term of post-imprisonment community supervision for not less than three (3) years of the total term allowed by law for imprisonment, with or without restitution; provided, however, the authority of this provision is limited to Section 843.5 of Title 21 of the Oklahoma Statutes when the offense involved sexual abuse or sexual exploitation; Sections 681, 741 and 843.1 of Title 21 of the Oklahoma Statutes when the offense involved sexual abuse or sexual exploitation; and Sections 865 et seq., 885, 886, 888, 891, 1021, 1021.2, 1021.3, 1040.13a, 1087, 1088, 1111.1, 1115 and 1123 of Title 21 of the Oklahoma Statutes,
g. to repay the reward or part of the reward paid by a local certified crime stoppers program and the Oklahoma Reward System. In determining whether the defendant shall repay the reward or part of the reward, the court shall consider the ability of the defendant to make the payment, the financial hardship on the defendant to make the required payment and the importance of the information to the prosecution of the defendant as provided by the arresting officer or the district attorney with due regard for the confidentiality of the records of the local certified crime stoppers program and the Oklahoma Reward System. The court shall assess this repayment against the defendant as a cost of prosecution. The term "certified" means crime stoppers organizations that annually meet the certification standards for crime stoppers programs established by the Oklahoma Crime Stoppers Association to the extent those standards do not conflict with state statutes. The term "court" refers to all municipal and district courts within this state. The "Oklahoma Reward System" means the reward program established by Section 150.18 of Title 74 of the Oklahoma Statutes,
h. to reimburse the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation for costs incurred by that agency during its investigation of the crime for which the defendant pleaded guilty, nolo contendere or was convicted including compensation for laboratory, technical or investigation services performed by the Bureau if, in the opinion of the court, the defendant is able to pay without imposing manifest hardship on the defendant, and if the costs incurred by the Bureau during the investigation of the defendant's case may be determined with reasonable certainty,
i. to reimburse the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation and any authorized law enforcement agency for all costs incurred by that agency for cleaning up an illegal drug laboratory site for which the defendant pleaded guilty, nolo contendere or was convicted. The court clerk shall collect the amount and may retain five percent (5%) of such monies to be deposited in the Court Clerk's Revolving Fund to cover administrative costs and shall remit the remainder to the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation to be deposited in the OSBI Revolving Fund established by Section 150.19a of Title 74 of the Oklahoma Statutes or to the general fund wherein the other law enforcement agency is located,
j. to pay a reasonable sum to the Crime Victims Compensation Board, created by Section 142.2 et seq. of Title 21 of the Oklahoma Statutes, for the benefit of crime victims,
k. to reimburse the court fund for amounts paid to court-appointed attorneys for representing the defendant in the case in which the person is being sentenced,
l. to participate in an assessment and evaluation by an assessment agency or assessment personnel certified by the Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services pursuant to Section 3-460 of Title 43A of the Oklahoma Statutes and, as determined by the assessment, participate in an alcohol and drug substance abuse course or treatment program or both, pursuant to Sections 3-452 and 3-453 of Title 43A of the Oklahoma Statutes, or as ordered by the court,
m. to be placed in a victims impact panel program, as defined in subsection H of this section, or victim/offender reconciliation program and payment of a fee to the program of Seventy-five Dollars ($75.00) as set by the governing authority of the program to offset the cost of participation by the defendant. Provided, each victim/offender reconciliation program shall be required to obtain a written consent form voluntarily signed by the victim and defendant that specifies the methods to be used to resolve the issues, the obligations and rights of each person and the confidentiality of the proceedings. Volunteer mediators and employees of a victim/offender reconciliation program shall be immune from liability and have rights of confidentiality as provided in Section 1805 of Title 12 of the Oklahoma Statutes,
n. to install, at the expense of the defendant, an ignition interlock device approved by the Board of Tests for Alcohol and Drug Influence. The device shall be installed upon every motor vehicle operated by the defendant, and the court shall require that a notation of this restriction be affixed to the defendant's driver license. The restriction shall remain on the driver license not exceeding two (2) years to be determined by the court. The restriction may be modified or removed only by order of the court and notice of any modification order shall be given to Service Oklahoma. Upon the expiration of the period for the restriction, Service Oklahoma shall remove the restriction without further court order. Failure to comply with the order to install an ignition interlock device or operating any vehicle without a device during the period of restriction shall be a violation of the sentence and may be punished as deemed proper by the sentencing court. As used in this paragraph, "ignition interlock device" means a device that, without tampering or intervention by another person, would prevent the defendant from operating a motor vehicle if the defendant has a blood or breath alcohol concentration of two-hundredths (0.02) or greater,
o. to be confined by electronic monitoring administered and supervised by the Department of Corrections or a community sentence provider, and payment of a monitoring fee to the supervising authority, not to exceed Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00) per month. Any fees collected pursuant to this subparagraph shall be deposited with the appropriate supervising authority. Any willful violation of an order of the court for the payment of the monitoring fee shall be a violation of the sentence and may be punished as deemed proper by the sentencing court. As used in this paragraph, "electronic monitoring" means confinement of the defendant within a specified location or locations with supervision by means of an electronic device approved by the Department of Corrections which is designed to detect if the defendant is in the court-ordered location at the required times and which records violations for investigation by a qualified supervisory agency or person,
p. to perform one or more courses of treatment, education or rehabilitation for any conditions, behaviors, deficiencies or disorders which may contribute to criminal conduct including but not limited to alcohol and substance abuse, mental health, emotional health, physical health, propensity for violence, antisocial behavior, personality or attitudes, deviant sexual behavior, child development, parenting assistance, job skills, vocational-technical skills, domestic relations, literacy, education or any other identifiable deficiency which may be treated appropriately in the community and for which a certified provider or a program recognized by the court as having significant positive impact exists in the community. Any treatment, education or rehabilitation provider required to be certified pursuant to law or rule shall be certified by the appropriate state agency or a national organization,
q. to submit to periodic testing for alcohol, intoxicating substance or controlled dangerous substances by a qualified laboratory,
r. to pay a fee or costs for treatment, education, supervision, participation in a program or any combination thereof as determined by the court, based upon the defendant's ability to pay the fees or costs,
s. to be supervised by a Department of Corrections employee, a private supervision provider or other person designated by the court,
t. to obtain positive behavior modeling by a trained mentor,
u. to serve a term of confinement in a restrictive housing facility available in the community,
v. to serve a term of confinement in the county jail at night or during weekends pursuant to Section 991a-2 of this title or for work release,
w. to obtain employment or participate in employment-related activities,
x. to participate in mandatory day reporting to facilities or persons for services, payments, duties or person-to-person contacts as specified by the court,
y. to pay day fines not to exceed fifty percent (50%) of the net wages earned. For purposes of this paragraph, "day fine" means the offender is ordered to pay an amount calculated as a percentage of net daily wages earned. The day fine shall be paid to the local community sentencing system as reparation to the community. Day fines shall be used to support the local system,
z. to submit to blood or saliva testing as required by subsection I of this section,
aa. to repair or restore property damaged by the defendant's conduct, if the court determines the defendant possesses sufficient skill to repair or restore the property and the victim consents to the repairing or restoring of the property,
bb. to restore damaged property in kind or payment of out-of-pocket expenses to the victim, if the court is able to determine the actual out-of-pocket expenses suffered by the victim,
cc. to attend a victim-offender reconciliation program if the victim agrees to participate and the offender is deemed appropriate for participation,
dd. in the case of a person convicted of prostitution pursuant to Section 1029 of Title 21 of the Oklahoma Statutes, require such person to receive counseling for the behavior which may have caused such person to engage in prostitution activities. Such person may be required to receive counseling in areas including but not limited to alcohol and substance abuse, sexual behavior problems or domestic abuse or child abuse problems,
ee. in the case of a sex offender sentenced after November 1, 1989, and required by law to register pursuant to the Sex Offender Registration Act, the court shall require the person to comply with sex offender specific rules and conditions of supervision established by the Department of Corrections and require the person to participate in a treatment program designed for the treatment of sex offenders during the period of time while the offender is subject to supervision by the Department of Corrections. The treatment program shall include polygraph examinations specifically designed for use with sex offenders for purposes of supervision and treatment compliance, and shall be administered not less than each six (6) months during the period of supervision. The examination shall be administered by a certified licensed polygraph examiner. The treatment program must be approved by the Department of Corrections or the Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services. Such treatment shall be at the expense of the defendant based on the defendant's ability to pay,
ff. in addition to other sentencing powers of the court, the court in the case of a defendant being sentenced for a felony conviction for a violation of Section 2-402 of Title 63 of the Oklahoma Statutes which involves marijuana may require the person to participate in a drug court program, if available. If a drug court program is not available, the defendant may be required to participate in a community sanctions program, if available,
gg. in the case of a person convicted of any false or bogus check violation, as defined in Section 1541.4 of Title 21 of the Oklahoma Statutes, impose a fee of Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) to the victim for each check, and impose a bogus check fee to be paid to the district attorney. The bogus check fee paid to the district attorney shall be equal to the amount assessed as court costs plus Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) for each check upon filing of the case in district court. This money shall be deposited in the Bogus Check Restitution Program Fund as established in subsection B of Section 114 of this title. Additionally, the court may require the offender to pay restitution and bogus check fees on any other bogus check or checks that have been submitted to the Bogus Check Restitution Program, and
hh. any other provision specifically ordered by the court.

However, any such order for restitution, community service, payment to a local certified crime stoppers program, payment to the Oklahoma Reward System or confinement in the county jail, or a combination thereof, shall be made in conjunction with probation and shall be made a condition of the suspended sentence.

However, unless under the supervision of the district attorney, the offender shall be required to pay Forty Dollars ($40.00) per month to the district attorney during the first two (2) years of probation to compensate the district attorney for the costs incurred during the prosecution of the offender and for the additional work of verifying the compliance of the offender with the rules and conditions of his or her probation. The district attorney may waive any part of this requirement in the best interests of justice. The court shall not waive, suspend, defer or dismiss the costs of prosecution in its entirety. However, if the court determines that a reduction in the fine, costs and costs of prosecution is warranted, the court shall equally apply the same percentage reduction to the fine, costs and costs of prosecution owed by the offender;

2. Impose a fine prescribed by law for the offense, with or without probation or commitment and with or without restitution or service as provided for in this section, Section 991a-4.1 of this title or Section 227 of Title 57 of the Oklahoma Statutes;
3. Commit such person for confinement provided for by law with or without restitution as provided for in this section;
4. Order the defendant to reimburse the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation for costs incurred by that agency during its investigation of the crime for which the defendant pleaded guilty, nolo contendere or was convicted including compensation for laboratory, technical or investigation services performed by the Bureau if, in the opinion of the court, the defendant is able to pay without imposing manifest hardship on the defendant, and if the costs incurred by the Bureau during the investigation of the defendant's case may be determined with reasonable certainty;
5. Order the defendant to reimburse the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation for all costs incurred by that agency for cleaning up an illegal drug laboratory site for which the defendant pleaded guilty, nolo contendere or was convicted. The court clerk shall collect the amount and may retain five percent (5%) of such monies to be deposited in the Court Clerk's Revolving Fund to cover administrative costs and shall remit the remainder to the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation to be deposited in the OSBI Revolving Fund established by Section 150.19a of Title 74 of the Oklahoma Statutes;
6. In the case of nonviolent felony offenses, sentence such person to the Community Service Sentencing Program;
7. In addition to the other sentencing powers of the court, in the case of a person convicted of operating or being in control of a motor vehicle while the person was under the influence of alcohol, other intoxicating substance or a combination of alcohol or another intoxicating substance, or convicted of operating a motor vehicle while the ability of the person to operate such vehicle was impaired due to the consumption of alcohol, require such person:
a. to participate in an alcohol and drug assessment and evaluation by an assessment agency or assessment personnel certified by the Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services pursuant to Section 3-460 of Title 43A of the Oklahoma Statutes and, as determined by the assessment, participate in an alcohol and drug substance abuse course or treatment program or both, pursuant to Sections 3-452 and 3-453 of Title 43A of the Oklahoma Statutes,
b. to attend a victims impact panel program, as defined in subsection H of this section, and to pay a fee of Seventy-five Dollars ($75.00) as set by the governing authority of the program and approved by the court, to the program to offset the cost of participation by the defendant, if in the opinion of the court the defendant has the ability to pay such fee,
c. to both participate in the alcohol and drug substance abuse course or treatment program, pursuant to subparagraph a of this paragraph and attend a victims impact panel program, pursuant to subparagraph b of this paragraph,
d. to install, at the expense of the person, an ignition interlock device approved by the Board of Tests for Alcohol and Drug Influence, upon every motor vehicle operated by such person and to require that a notation of this restriction be affixed to the person's driver license at the time of reinstatement of the license. The restriction shall remain on the driver license for such period as the court shall determine. The restriction may be modified or removed by order of the court and notice of the order shall be given to Service Oklahoma. Upon the expiration of the period for the restriction, Service Oklahoma shall remove the restriction without further court order. Failure to comply with the order to install an ignition interlock device or operating any vehicle without such device during the period of restriction shall be a violation of the sentence and may be punished as deemed proper by the sentencing court, or
e. beginning January 1, 1993, to submit to electronically monitored home detention administered and supervised by the Department of Corrections, and to pay to the Department a monitoring fee, not to exceed Seventy-five Dollars ($75.00) a month, to the Department of Corrections, if in the opinion of the court the defendant has the ability to pay such fee. Any fees collected pursuant to this subparagraph shall be deposited in the Department of Corrections Revolving Fund. Any order by the court for the payment of the monitoring fee, if willfully disobeyed, may be enforced as an indirect contempt of court;
8. In addition to the other sentencing powers of the court, in the case of a person convicted of prostitution pursuant to Section 1029 of Title 21 of the Oklahoma Statutes, require such person to receive counseling for the behavior which may have caused such person to engage in prostitution activities. Such person may be required to receive counseling in areas including but not limited to alcohol and substance abuse, sexual behavior problems or domestic abuse or child abuse problems;
9. In addition to the other sentencing powers of the court, in the case of a person convicted of any crime related to domestic abuse, as defined in Section 60.1 of this title, the court may require the defendant to undergo the treatment or participate in the counseling services necessary to bring about the cessation of domestic abuse against the victim. The defendant may be required to pay all or part of the cost of the treatment or counseling services;
10. In addition to the other sentencing powers of the court, the court, in the case of a sex offender sentenced after November 1, 1989, and required by law to register pursuant to the Sex Offenders Registration Act, shall require the defendant to participate in a treatment program designed specifically for the treatment of sex offenders, if available. The treatment program will include polygraph examinations specifically designed for use with sex offenders for the purpose of supervision and treatment compliance, provided the examination is administered by a certified licensed polygraph examiner. The treatment program must be approved by the Department of Corrections or the Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services. Such treatment shall be at the expense of the defendant based on the ability of the defendant to pay;
11. In addition to the other sentencing powers of the court, the court, in the case of a person convicted of abuse or neglect of a child, as defined in Section 1-1-105 of Title 10A of the Oklahoma Statutes, may require the person to undergo treatment or to participate in counseling services. The defendant may be required to pay all or part of the cost of the treatment or counseling services;
12. In addition to the other sentencing powers of the court, the court, in the case of a person convicted of cruelty to animals pursuant to Section 1685 of Title 21 of the Oklahoma Statutes, may require the person to pay restitution to animal facilities for medical care and any boarding costs of victimized animals;
13. In addition to the other sentencing powers of the court, a sex offender who is habitual or aggravated as defined by Section 584 of Title 57 of the Oklahoma Statutes and who is required to register as a sex offender pursuant to the Sex Offenders Registration Act shall be supervised by the Department of Corrections for the duration of the registration period and shall be assigned to a global position monitoring device by the Department of Corrections for the duration of the registration period. The cost of such monitoring device shall be reimbursed by the offender;
14. In addition to the other sentencing powers of the court, in the case of a sex offender who is required by law to register pursuant to the Sex Offenders Registration Act, the court may prohibit the person from accessing or using any Internet social networking website that has the potential or likelihood of allowing the sex offender to have contact with any child who is under the age of eighteen (18) years;
15. In addition to the other sentencing powers of the court, in the case of a sex offender who is required by law to register pursuant to the Sex Offenders Registration Act, the court shall require the person to register any electronic mail address information, instant message, chat or other Internet communication name or identity information that the person uses or intends to use while accessing the Internet or used for other purposes of social networking or other similar Internet communication; or
16. In addition to the other sentencing powers of the court, and pursuant to the terms and conditions of a written plea agreement, the court may prohibit the defendant from entering, visiting or residing within the judicial district in which the defendant was convicted until after completion of his or her sentence; provided, however, the court shall ensure that the defendant has access to those services or programs for which the defendant is required to participate as a condition of probation. When seeking to enter the prohibited judicial district for personal business not related to his or her criminal case, the defendant shall be required to obtain approval by the court.
B. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, any person who is found guilty of a violation of any provision of Section 761 or 11-902 of Title 47 of the Oklahoma Statutes or any person pleading guilty or nolo contendere for a violation of any provision of such sections shall be ordered to participate in, prior to sentencing, an alcohol and drug assessment and evaluation by an assessment agency or assessment personnel certified by the Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services for the purpose of evaluating the receptivity to treatment and prognosis of the person. The court shall order the person to reimburse the agency or assessor for the evaluation. The fee shall be the amount provided in subsection C of Section 3-460 of Title 43A of the Oklahoma Statutes. The evaluation shall be conducted at a certified assessment agency, the office of a certified assessor or at another location as ordered by the court. The agency or assessor shall, within seventy-two (72) hours from the time the person is assessed, submit a written report to the court for the purpose of assisting the court in its final sentencing determination. No person, agency or facility operating an alcohol and drug substance abuse evaluation program certified by the Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services shall solicit or refer any person evaluated pursuant to this subsection for any treatment program or alcohol and drug substance abuse service in which such person, agency or facility has a vested interest; however, this provision shall not be construed to prohibit the court from ordering participation in or any person from voluntarily utilizing a treatment program or alcohol and drug substance abuse service offered by such person, agency or facility. If a person is sentenced to the custody of the Department of Corrections and the court has received a written evaluation report pursuant to this subsection, the report shall be furnished to the Department of Corrections with the judgment and sentence. Any evaluation report submitted to the court pursuant to this subsection shall be handled in a manner which will keep such report confidential from the general public's review. Nothing contained in this subsection shall be construed to prohibit the court from ordering judgment and sentence in the event the defendant fails or refuses to comply with an order of the court to obtain the evaluation required by this subsection.
C. When sentencing a person convicted of a crime, the court shall first consider a program of restitution for the victim, as well as imposition of a fine or incarceration of the offender. The provisions of paragraph 1 of subsection A of this section shall not apply to defendants being sentenced upon their third or subsequent to their third conviction of a felony . Provided, the court may waive these prohibitions upon written application of the district attorney. Both the application and the waiver shall be made part of the record of the case.
D. When sentencing a person convicted of a crime, the judge shall consider any victim impact statements if submitted to the jury, or the judge in the event a jury is waived.
E. Probation, for purposes of subsection A of this section, is a procedure by which a defendant found guilty of a crime, whether upon a verdict or plea of guilty or upon a plea of nolo contendere, is released by the court subject to conditions imposed by the court and subject to supervision by the Department of Corrections, a private supervision provider or other person designated by the court. Such supervision shall be initiated upon an order of probation from the court, and shall not exceed two (2) years, unless a petition alleging a violation of any condition of deferred judgment or seeking revocation of the suspended sentence is filed during the supervision, or as otherwise provided by law. In the case of a person convicted of a sex offense, supervision shall begin immediately upon release from incarceration or if parole is granted and shall not be limited to two (2) years. Provided further, any supervision provided for in this section may be extended for a period not to exceed the expiration of the maximum term or terms of the sentence upon a determination by the court or the Division of Probation and Parole of the Department of Corrections that the best interests of the public and the release will be served by an extended period of supervision.
F. The Department of Corrections, or such other agency as the court may designate, shall be responsible for the monitoring and administration of the restitution and service programs provided for by subparagraphs a, c and d of paragraph 1 of subsection A of this section, and shall ensure that restitution payments are forwarded to the victim and that service assignments are properly performed.
1. The Department of Corrections is hereby authorized, subject to funds available through appropriation by the Legislature, to contract with counties for the administration of county Community Service Sentencing Programs.
2. Any offender eligible to participate in the Program pursuant to this section shall be eligible to participate in a county Program; provided, participation in county-funded Programs shall not be limited to offenders who would otherwise be sentenced to confinement with the Department of Corrections.
3. The Department shall establish criteria and specifications for contracts with counties for such Programs. A county may apply to the Department for a contract for a county-funded Program for a specific period of time. The Department shall be responsible for ensuring that any contracting county complies in full with specifications and requirements of the contract. The contract shall set appropriate compensation to the county for services to the Department.
4. The Department is hereby authorized to provide technical assistance to any county in establishing a Program, regardless of whether the county enters into a contract pursuant to this subsection. Technical assistance shall include appropriate staffing, development of community resources, sponsorship, supervision and any other requirements.
5. The Department shall annually make a report to the Governor, the President Pro Tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House on the number of such Programs, the number of participating offenders, the success rates of each Program according to criteria established by the Department and the costs of each Program.
H. As used in this section:
1. "Ignition interlock device" means a device that, without tampering or intervention by another person, would prevent the defendant from operating a motor vehicle if the defendant has a blood or breath alcohol concentration of two-hundredths (0.02) or greater;
2. "Electronically monitored home detention" means incarceration of the defendant within a specified location or locations with monitoring by means of a device approved by the Department of Corrections that detects if the person leaves the confines of any specified location; and
3. "Victims impact panel program" means a program conducted by a corporation registered with the Secretary of State in Oklahoma for the sole purpose of operating a victims impact panel program. The program shall include live presentations from presenters who will share personal stories with participants about how alcohol, drug abuse, the operation of a motor vehicle while using an electronic communication device or the illegal conduct of others has personally impacted the lives of the presenters. A victims impact panel program shall be attended by persons who have committed the offense of driving, operating or being in actual physical control of a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or other intoxicating substance, operating a motor vehicle while the ability of the person to operate such vehicle was impaired due to the consumption of alcohol or any other substance or operating a motor vehicle while using an electronic device or by persons who have been convicted of furnishing alcoholic beverage to persons under twenty-one (21) years of age, as provided in Sections 6-101 and 6-120 of Title 37A of the Oklahoma Statutes. Persons attending a victims impact panel program shall be required to pay a fee of Seventy-five Dollars ($75.00) to the provider of the program. A certificate of completion shall be issued to the person upon satisfying the attendance and fee requirements of the victims impact panel program. The certificate of completion shall contain the business identification number of the program provider. A certified assessment agency, certified assessor or provider of an alcohol and drug substance abuse course shall be prohibited from providing a victims impact panel program and shall further be prohibited from having any proprietary or pecuniary interest in a victims impact panel program. The provider of the victims impact panel program shall carry general liability insurance and maintain an accurate accounting of all business transactions and funds received in relation to the victims impact panel program. Beginning October 1, 2020, and each October 1 thereafter, the provider of the victims impact panel program shall provide to the District Attorneys Council the following:
a. proof of registration with the Oklahoma Secretary of State,
b. proof of general liability insurance,
c. end-of-year financial statements prepared by a certified public accountant,
d. a copy of federal income tax returns filed with the Internal Revenue Service,
e. a registration fee of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00). The registration fee shall be deposited in the District Attorneys Council Revolving Fund created in Section 215.28 of Title 19 of the Oklahoma Statutes, and
f. a statement certifying that the provider of the victims impact panel program has complied with all of the requirements set forth in this paragraph.
I. A person convicted of a felony offense or receiving any form of probation for an offense in which registration is required pursuant to the Sex Offenders Registration Act, shall submit to deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) testing for law enforcement identification purposes in accordance with Section 150.27 of Title 74 of the Oklahoma Statutes and the rules promulgated by the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation for the OSBI Combined DNA Index System (CODIS) Database. Subject to the availability of funds, any person convicted of a misdemeanor offense of assault and battery, domestic abuse, stalking, possession of a controlled substance prohibited under the Uniform Controlled Dangerous Substances Act, outraging public decency, resisting arrest, escape or attempting to escape, eluding a police officer, Peeping Tom, pointing a firearm, threatening an act of violence, breaking and entering a dwelling place, destruction of property, negligent homicide or causing a personal injury accident while driving under the influence of any intoxicating substance, or any alien unlawfully present under federal immigration law, upon arrest, shall submit to DNA testing for law enforcement identification purposes in accordance with Section 150.27 of Title 74 of the Oklahoma Statutes and the rules promulgated by the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation for the OSBI Combined DNA Index System (CODIS) Database. Any defendant sentenced to probation shall be required to submit to testing within thirty (30) days of sentencing either to the Department of Corrections or to the county sheriff or other peace officer as directed by the court. Defendants who are sentenced to a term of incarceration shall submit to testing in accordance with Section 530.1 of Title 57 of the Oklahoma Statutes, for those defendants who enter the custody of the Department of Corrections or to the county sheriff, for those defendants sentenced to incarceration in a county jail. Convicted individuals who have previously submitted to DNA testing under this section and for whom a valid sample is on file in the OSBI Combined DNA Index System (CODIS) Database at the time of sentencing shall not be required to submit to additional testing. Except as required by the Sex Offenders Registration Act, a deferred judgment does not require submission to DNA testing.

Any person who is incarcerated in the custody of the Department of Corrections after July 1, 1996, and who has not been released before January 1, 2006, shall provide a blood or saliva sample prior to release. Every person subject to DNA testing after January 1, 2006, whose sentence does not include a term of confinement with the Department of Corrections shall submit a blood or saliva sample. Every person subject to DNA testing who is sentenced to unsupervised probation or otherwise not supervised by the Department of Corrections shall submit for blood or saliva testing to the sheriff of the sentencing county.

J. Samples of blood or saliva for DNA testing required by subsection I of this section shall be taken by employees or contractors of the Department of Corrections, peace officers, or the county sheriff or employees or contractors of the sheriff's office. The individuals shall be properly trained to collect blood or saliva samples. Persons collecting blood or saliva for DNA testing pursuant to this section shall be immune from civil liabilities arising from this activity. All collectors of DNA samples shall ensure the collection of samples are mailed to the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation within ten (10) days of the time the subject appears for testing or within ten (10) days of the date the subject comes into physical custody to serve a term of incarceration. All collectors of DNA samples shall use sample kits provided by the OSBI and procedures promulgated by the OSBI. Persons subject to DNA testing who are not received at the Lexington Assessment and Reception Center shall be required to pay a fee of Fifteen Dollars ($15.00) to the agency collecting the sample for submission to the OSBI Combined DNA Index System (CODIS) Database. Any fees collected pursuant to this subsection shall be deposited in the revolving account or the service fee account of the collection agency or department.
K. When sentencing a person who has been convicted of a crime that would subject that person to the provisions of the Sex Offenders Registration Act, neither the court nor the district attorney shall be allowed to waive or exempt such person from the registration requirements of the Sex Offenders Registration Act.

Okla. Stat. tit. 22, § 991a

Amended by Laws 2024, c. 61,s. 1, eff. 11/1/2024.
Amended by Laws 2023 , c. 310, s. 4, eff. 7/1/2023.
Amended by Laws 2018 , c. 128, § 10was subsequently amended by Laws 2019 , c. 453, § 1, eff. 7/1/2019.
Amended by Laws 2017 , c. 194, § 2was purportedly repealed by Laws 2018 , c. 304, § 11 but without reference to Laws 2018 , c. 128, § 10, which amended it.
Amended by Laws 2021 , c. 273, § 3 repealed by Laws 2021 , c. 469, § 5, eff. 11/1/2021.
Amended by Laws 2009 , c. 234, § 132 repealed by Laws 2010 , c. 2, § 11, emerg. eff. 3/3/2010.
Amended by Laws 2007 , c. 261, § 21 repealed by Laws 2008 , c. 3, § 20, emerg. eff. 2/28/2008.
Amended by Laws 2006 , c. 284, § 6 repealed by Laws 2007 , c. 1, § 17, emerg. eff. 2/22/2007.
Amended by Laws 2005 , c. 183, § 1 repealed by Laws 2006 , c. 16, § 4, emerg. eff. 3/29/2006.
Amended by Laws 2003 , c. 306, § 1 repealed by Laws 2004 , c. 5, § 12, emerg. eff. 3/1/2004. Laws 2003 , c. 363, § 2 repealed by Laws 2004 , c. 5, § 13, emerg. eff. 3/1/2004.
Amended by Laws 2001 , c. 170, § 1 and Laws 2001 , c. 225, § 2 repealed by Laws 2002 , c. 22, § 34, emerg. eff. 3/8/2002.
Amended by Laws 2000 , c. 334, § 2 repealed by Laws 2001 , c. 5, § 7, emerg. eff. 3/21/2001.
Amended by Laws 2000 , c. 39, § 3 repealed by Laws 2000 , c. 334, § 10, emerg. eff. 6/5/2000 and by Laws 2000 , c. 349, § 7, eff. 11/1/2000.
Amended by Laws 1997 , c. 133, § 65 and Laws 1997 , c. 260, § 9 repealed by Laws 1999 , 1st Ex. Sess., c. 5, § 452, eff. 7/1/1999.
Amended by Laws 1997 , c. 9, § 2 repealed by Laws 1997 , c. 260, § 12, eff. 11/1/1997.
Amended by Laws 1994 , c. 40, § 1 and Laws 1994 , c. 188, § 2 repealed by Laws 1997 , c. 133, § 605, emerg. eff. 4/22/1997.
Amended by Laws 1993 , c. 325, § 19 repealed by Laws 1994 , c. 2, § 34, emerg. eff. 3/2/1994.
Amended by Laws 1991 , c. 17, § 1 repealed by Laws 1991 , c. 335, § 37, emerg. eff. 6/15/1991. Laws 1992 , c. 379, § 2 repealed by Laws 1993 , c. 10, § 16, emerg. eff. 3/21/1993.
Amended by Laws 1970 , c. 312, § 1; Amended by Laws 1971 , c. 90, § 1, emerg. eff. 4/16/1971; Amended by Laws 1976 , c. 160, § 1, eff. 10/1/1976; Amended by Laws 1978 , c. 223, § 1; Amended by Laws 1979 , c. 66, § 1, emerg. eff. 4/16/1979; Amended by Laws 1981 , c. 124, § 1; Laws 1982 , c. 8, § 1, emerg. eff. 3/15/1982; Amended by Laws 1983 , c. 23, § 1, eff. 11/1/1983; Amended by Laws 1985 , c. 59, § 1, eff. 11/1/1985; Amended by Laws 1986 , c. 240, § 4, eff. 11/1/1986; Amended by Laws 1987 , c. 224, § 11, eff. 11/1/1987; Amended by Laws 1988 , c. 150, § 2, eff. 11/1/1988; Amended by Laws 1989 , c. 197, § 11, eff. 11/1/1989; Amended by Laws 1990 , c. 152, § 1, eff. 9/1/1990; Amended by Laws 1991 , c. 200, § 3, eff. 9/1/1991; Amended by Laws 1991 , c. 335, § 8, emerg. eff. 6/15/1991; Amended by Laws 1992 , c. 136, § 4, eff. 7/1/1992; Amended by Laws 1992 , c. 382, § 3, emerg. eff. 6/9/1992; Amended by Laws 1993 , c. 10, § 3, emerg. eff. 3/21/1993; Amended by Laws 1993 , c. 166, § 1, eff. 9/1/1993; Amended by Laws 1993 , c. 339, § 1, eff. 9/1/1993; Amended by Laws 1994 , c. 2, § 9, emerg. eff. 3/2/1994; Amended by Laws 1994 , c. 308, § 1, emerg. eff. 6/7/1994; Amended by Laws 1996 , c. 153, § 4, emerg. eff. 5/7/1996; Amended by Laws 1997 , c. 150, § 1, eff. 11/1/1997; Amended by Laws 1997 , c. 420, § 1, emerg. eff. 6/13/1997; Amended by Laws 1999 , 1st Ex. Sess., c. 4, § 31, eff. 7/1/1999; Amended by Laws 2000 , c. 112, § 1, emerg. eff. 4/20/2000; Amended by Laws 2000 , c. 349, § 1, eff. 11/1/2000; Amended by Laws 2001 , c. 437, § 17, eff. 7/1/2001; Amended by Laws 2002 , c. 22, § 10, emerg. eff. 3/8/2002; Amended by Laws 2002 , c. 235, § 1, emerg. eff. 5/9/2002; Amended by Laws 2002 , c. 464, § 1, emerg. eff. 6/5/2002; Amended by Laws 2003 , c. 178, § 1, eff. 7/1/2003; Amended by Laws 2003 , c. 474, § 3, eff. 11/1/2003; Laws 2004 , c. 5, § 11, emerg. eff. 3/1/2004; Amended by Laws 2004 , c. 143, § 1, eff. 11/1/2004; Amended by Laws 2004 , c. 418, § 2, eff. 7/1/2004; Laws 2005 , c. 188, § 2, emerg. eff. 5/17/2005; Amended by Laws 2005 , c. 441, § 2, eff. 1/1/2006; Amended by Laws 2006 , c. 16, § 3, emerg. eff. 3/29/2006; Amended by Laws 2006 , c. 294, § 1, eff. 7/1/2006; Amended by Laws 2007 , c. 1, § 16, emerg. eff. 2/22/2007; Amended by Laws 2007 , c. 30, § 1, eff. 11/1/2007; Laws 2007 , c. 182, § 1, eff. 11/1/2007; Amended by Laws 2008 , c. 3, § 19, emerg. eff. 2/28/2008; Amended by Laws 2009 , c. 218, § 2, emerg. eff. 5/19/2009; Amended by Laws 2010 , c. 2, § 10, emerg. eff. 3/3/2010; Amended by Laws 2010 , c. 37, § 2, eff. 11/1/2010; Amended by Laws 2010 , c. 237, § 1, eff. 11/1/2010; Laws 2013 , c. 80, § 1; Amended by Laws 2013 , c. 175, § 1, eff. 11/1/2013; Laws 2014 , c. 157, § 1, eff. 11/1/2014; Amended by Laws 2017 , c. 313, § 1, eff. 11/1/2017; Amended by Laws 2018 , c. 304, § 10, emerg. eff. 5/10/2018; Amended by Laws 2020 , c. 46, § 1, eff. 9/1/2020; Amended by Laws 2021 , c. 317, § 1, eff. 11/1/2021; Amended by Laws 2021 , c. 469, § 2, eff. 11/1/2021.
Added by Laws 1968 , c. 204, § 1, emerg. eff. 4/22/1968.
This section is set out more than once due to postponed, multiple, or conflicting amendments.