B. Non-Privacy of E-Mail. Users are cautioned that electronic mail via OCIS should not be regarded as a private communication between the user and recipient because other persons may be able to have access and read the communication. Unless otherwise authorized by the Administrative Director of the Courts, or by the judge in the underlying case, Internet e-mail (e-mail that originates from an OCIS e-mail account and is sent to a recipient outside of the OCIS network) shall be encrypted if the information is confidential. However, nothing herein shall be construed to waive any confidentiality, privilege, or other protection governing judicial communications or court data, including e-mails or other records. System-generated messages, including e-mails related to online payments, electronic filing, and information exchange protocols (IEPs), may be transmitted in unencrypted format as necessary to accomplish the particular purpose. Users shall not make unauthorized changes to automated messages, or use system-generated e-mail messages for unauthorized purposes.