- Section 111 - [Repealed]
- Section 112 - Violation of act a felony
- Section 113 - Treasurer's bondsmen liable for securities - Approval of securities
- Section 114 - Securities - Deposit with State Treasurer
- Section 115 - Duplicate deposit slip or receipt filed with county clerk
- Section 116 - Duty of county clerk
- Section 117 - Fiscal agent to account monthly
- Section 118 - Treasurer's checks and drafts to show purpose of payment - Duplicate attached to voucher
- Section 119 - County clerk to make proper charges and credits
- Section 120 - Violation of statute - Penalty
- Section 121 - Daily deposit by county treasurer - Security
- Section 122 - Duties of State Auditor and Inspector - Deposit in banks outside county - Deposits with State Treasurer
- Section 123 - Deposit in bank where treasurer or commissioners have pecuniary interest prohibited
- Section 124 - Provisions cumulative