- Section 866.1 - Metropolitan area planning commission - County board of adjustment
- Section 866.2 - City and county powers
- Section 866.3 - Funds - Grants
- Section 866.4 - Territorial jurisdiction
- Section 866.5 - Establishment of planning commission
- Section 866.6 - Definitions
- Section 866.7 - Commission membership - Appointment and tenure - Compensation - Vacancies - Removal
- Section 866.8 - Chairman - Meetings - Rules - Employees - Fees
- Section 866.9 - Submission of proposals and plans - Advice and cooperation of other agencies
- Section 866.10 - Metropolitan comprehensive plan
- Section 866.11 - Submission of proposed improvement plans for commission recommendations
- Section 866.12 - Plats and subdivisions - Rules and regulations
- Section 866.13 - Recording of plats or deeds - Approval
- Section 866.14 - Building lines
- Section 866.15 - Enforcement of building line regulations - Appeals - Modification
- Section 866.16 - Zoning powers - Exemptions
- Section 866.16A - Board of county commissioners may establish fines and penalties
- Section 866.17 - Division into districts or zones
- Section 866.18 - Recommendations by commission
- Section 866.19 - Termination of nonconforming uses
- Section 866.20 - Amendment or repeal of regulations - Notice and hearing
- Section 866.21 - Permits required - Administration of rules and regulations
- Section 866.22 - County Board of Adjustment
- Section 866.23 - Appeals to board - Powers and duties
- Section 866.24 - Appeals to district court
- Section 866.25 - Zoning regulations to govern
- Section 866.26 - Construction codes
- Section 866.27 - Housing code
- Section 866.28 - Building permit fees - Inspection fees
- Section 866.29 - Notice of public hearings
- Section 866.30 - Exemptions from zoning regulations
- Section 866.31 - Validation of existing plans, ordinances, etc
- Section 866.32 - Violations and penalties
- Section 866.33 - Exclusive control by commission - Transfer of records, etc
- Section 866.34 - Continued operation after population increase
- Section 866.35 - Contracts with city-county planning commissions
- Section 866.36 - [Repealed]