Okla. Stat. tit. 18 § 804
A professional entity may be formed or qualified to render professional services by filing the appropriate instrument required by the associated act with the Secretary of State. The individual or individuals forming a domestic professional entity or qualifying a foreign professional entity shall be managers of the professional entity and duly licensed or otherwise permitted in accordance with the provisions of this state's licensing laws for the profession and in good standing within the profession to be practiced through the professional entity. Such instrument shall meet the requirements of the applicable associated act, shall contain the profession or related professions to be practiced through the professional entity, and shall contain one of the following:
A certificate by the regulating board of the profession or related professions involved that each of the persons who will become owners or managers of the domestic professional entity and who will engage in the practice of the profession or related profession in this state is duly licensed or otherwise permitted in accordance with the provisions of this state's licensing laws for the profession or related profession to practice such profession; or
Okla. Stat. tit. 18, § 804