Section 40-104 - Redevelopment plan - Procedure for adoptionA. Any city or town proposing to undertake the redevelopment of a commercial, industrial or residential neighborhood in accordance with the provisions of this act shall first prepare a redevelopment plan in consultation with the planning commission of the city. The redevelopment plan shall include: 1. A description and map of the boundaries of the redevelopment district being proposed;2. A summary of the blighted conditions which justify the creation of such district;3. A delegation of authority to a public trust created pursuant to Section 176 et seq. of Title 60 of the Oklahoma Statutes, specifying the name of the redevelopment trust which will undertake the redevelopment activities on behalf of such city or town. If no redevelopment trust is then in existence, the redevelopment plan shall include a copy of the trust indenture or other document creating the redevelopment trust;4. A summary of the types of redevelopment activities and projects which may be undertaken by the redevelopment trust; and5. Such other information as deemed by the governing body necessary to advise the public as to the intent of the plan.B. Any redevelopment plan undertaken in accordance with the provisions of this act shall fix a date on which the redevelopment plan shall terminate, which date shall be not more than twenty-five (25) years from the date the plan was adopted. C. Thereafter, the governing body of the city shall adopt a resolution stating that the city is considering the adoption of a redevelopment plan. The resolution shall:1. Give notice that a public hearing will be held to consider the adoption of the redevelopment plan, and fix the date, hour and place of such public hearing;2. Describe the boundaries of the district being proposed; and3. State that the redevelopment plan is available for inspection during regular office hours in the office of the city clerk.D. The date fixed for the public hearing shall be not less than thirty (30) days nor more than seventy (70) days following the date of the adoption of the resolution fixing the date of such hearing.E. A copy of the redevelopment plan, along with a resolution providing for the public hearing, shall be delivered to the county commissioners of any county and the board of education of any school district levying taxes on property within the proposed redevelopment district. The resolution shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation within the city or town as a legal, public notice once each week for three (3) consecutive weeks, the last publication to be not less than one (1) week and not more than two (2) weeks preceding the date fixed for public hearing. A sketch clearly delineating the area in detail as may be necessary to advise the reader of the particular land proposed to be included within the redevelopment district shall be published with the resolution.F. At the public hearing, a representative of the city shall present the city's proposed redevelopment plan. Following such explanation, all interested persons shall be given an opportunity to be heard. The governing body may for good cause shown recess the hearing to a time and date certain which shall be fixed in the presence of persons in attendance at the hearing.G. Following the hearing, the governing body may adopt the redevelopment plan by ordinance passed upon a two-thirds (2/3) vote. Such ordinance may include an acceptance of beneficial interest in any redevelopment trust being created pursuant to the terms of a redevelopment plan.H. Thereafter, any substantial changes to the redevelopment plan as adopted shall be subject to public hearing following publication of notice thereof at least twice in a newspaper of general circulation within the city or town.Okla. Stat. tit. 11, § 40-104
Laws 1981, SB 317, c. 315, § 4; Amended by Laws 1998 , HB 3301, c. 247, § 4, eff. 11/1/1998.