Section 5751.20 - School district tangible property tax replacement fundNo determinations, computations, certifications, or payments shall be made under this section after June 30, 2015.
(A) As used in sections 5751.20 to 5751.22 of the Revised Code: (1) "School district," "joint vocational school district," "local taxing unit," "recognized valuation," "fixed-rate levy," and "fixed-sum levy" have the same meanings as used in section 5727.84 of the Revised Code.(2) "State education aid" for a school district means the following: (a) For fiscal years prior to fiscal year 2010, the sum of state aid amounts computed for the district under the following provisions, as they existed for the applicable fiscal year: division (A) of section 3317.022 of the Revised Code, including the amounts calculated under former section 3317.029 and section 3317.0217 of the Revised Code; divisions (C)(1), (C)(4), (D), (E), and (F) of section 3317.022; divisions (B), (C), and (D) of section 3317.023; divisions (L) and (N) of section 3317.024; section 3317.0216; and any unit payments for gifted student services paid under section 3317.05 and former sections 3317.052 and 3317.053 of the Revised Code; except that, for fiscal years 2008 and 2009, the amount computed for the district under Section 269.20.80 of H.B. 119 of the 127th general assembly and as that section subsequently may be amended shall be substituted for the amount computed under division (D) of section 3317.022 of the Revised Code, and the amount computed under Section 269.30.80 of H.B. 119 of the 127th general assembly and as that section subsequently may be amended shall be included.(b) For fiscal years 2010 and 2011, the sum of the amounts computed under former sections 3306.052, 3306.12, 3306.13, 3306.19, 3306.191, and 3306.192 of the Revised Code;(c) For fiscal years 2012 and 2013, the sum of the amounts paid under Sections 267.30.50, 267.30.53, and 267.30.56 of H.B. 153 of the 129th general assembly;(d) For fiscal year 2014 and each fiscal year thereafter, the sum of state amounts computed for the district under section 3317.022 of the Revised Code; except that, for fiscal years 2014 and 2015, the amount computed for the district under the section of this act entitled "TRANSITIONAL AID FOR CITY, LOCAL, AND EXEMPTED VILLAGE SCHOOL DISTRICTS" shall be included.(3) "State education aid" for a joint vocational school district means the following: (a) For fiscal years prior to fiscal year 2010, the sum of the state aid computed for the district under division (N) of section 3317.024 and former section 3317.16 of the Revised Code, except that, for fiscal years 2008 and 2009, the amount computed under Section 269.30.80 of H.B. 119 of the 127th general assembly and as that section subsequently may be amended shall be included.(b) For fiscal years 2010 and 2011, the amount paid in accordance with Section 265.30.50 of H.B. 1 of the 128th general assembly.(c) For fiscal years 2012 and 2013, the amount paid in accordance with Section 267.30.60 of H.B. 153 of the 129th general assembly.(d) For fiscal year 2014 and each fiscal year thereafter, the amount computed for the district under section 3317.16 of the Revised Code; except that, for fiscal years 2014 and 2015, the amount computed for the district under the section of this act entitled "TRANSITIONAL AID FOR JOINT VOCATIONAL SCHOOL DISTRICTS" shall be included.(4) "State education aid offset" means the amount determined for each school district or joint vocational school district under division (A)(1) of section 5751.21 of the Revised Code.(5) "Machinery and equipment property tax value loss" means the amount determined under division (C)(1) of this section.(6) "Inventory property tax value loss" means the amount determined under division (C)(2) of this section.(7) "Furniture and fixtures property tax value loss" means the amount determined under division (C)(3) of this section. (8) "Machinery and equipment fixed-rate levy loss" means the amount determined under division (D)(1) of this section.(9) "Inventory fixed-rate levy loss" means the amount determined under division (D)(2) of this section. (10) "Furniture and fixtures fixed-rate levy loss" means the amount determined under division (D)(3) of this section.(11) "Total fixed-rate levy loss" means the sum of the machinery and equipment fixed-rate levy loss, the inventory fixed-rate levy loss, the furniture and fixtures fixed-rate levy loss, and the telephone company fixed-rate levy loss.(12) "Fixed-sum levy loss" means the amount determined under division (E) of this section.(13) "Machinery and equipment" means personal property subject to the assessment rate specified in division (F) of section 5711.22 of the Revised Code.(14) "Inventory" means personal property subject to the assessment rate specified in division (E) of section 5711.22 of the Revised Code.(15) "Furniture and fixtures" means personal property subject to the assessment rate specified in division (G) of section 5711.22 of the Revised Code.(16) "Qualifying levies" are levies in effect for tax year 2004 or applicable to tax year 2005 or approved at an election conducted before September 1, 2005. For the purpose of determining the rate of a qualifying levy authorized by section 5705.212 or 5705.213 of the Revised Code, the rate shall be the rate that would be in effect for tax year 2010.(17) "Telephone property" means tangible personal property of a telephone, telegraph, or interexchange telecommunications company subject to an assessment rate specified in section 5727.111 of the Revised Code in tax year 2004.(18) "Telephone property tax value loss" means the amount determined under division (C)(4) of this section.(19) "Telephone property fixed-rate levy loss" means the amount determined under division (D)(4) of this section. (20) "Taxes charged and payable" means taxes charged and payable after the reduction required by section 319.301 of the Revised Code but before the reductions required by sections 319.302 and 323.152 of the Revised Code.(21) "Median estate tax collections" means, in the case of a municipal corporation to which revenue from the taxes levied in Chapter 5731. of the Revised Code was distributed in each of calendar years 2006, 2007, 2008, and 2009, the median of those distributions. In the case of a municipal corporation to which no distributions were made in one or more of those years, "median estate tax collections" means zero.(22) "Total resources," in the case of a school district, means the sum of the amounts in divisions (A)(22)(a) to (h) of this section less any reduction required under division (A)(32) or (33) of this section. (a) The state education aid for fiscal year 2010;(b) The sum of the payments received by the school district in fiscal year 2010 for current expense levy losses pursuant to division (C)(2) of section 5727.85 and divisions (C)(8) and (9) of section 5751.21 of the Revised Code, excluding the portion of such payments attributable to levies for joint vocational school district purposes; (c) The sum of fixed-sum levy loss payments received by the school district in fiscal year 2010 pursuant to division (E)(1) of section 5727.85 and division (E)(1) of section 5751.21 of the Revised Code for fixed-sum levies charged and payable for a purpose other than paying debt charges;(d) Fifty per cent of the school district's taxes charged and payable against all property on the tax list of real and public utility property for current expense purposes for tax year 2008, including taxes charged and payable from emergency levies charged and payable under section 5709.194 of the Revised Code and excluding taxes levied for joint vocational school district purposes; (e) Fifty per cent of the school district's taxes charged and payable against all property on the tax list of real and public utility property for current expenses for tax year 2009, including taxes charged and payable from emergency levies and excluding taxes levied for joint vocational school district purposes;(f) The school district's taxes charged and payable against all property on the general tax list of personal property for current expenses for tax year 2009, including taxes charged and payable from emergency levies;(g) The amount certified for fiscal year 2010 under division (A)(2) of section 3317.08 of the Revised Code;(h) Distributions received during calendar year 2009 from taxes levied under section 718.09 of the Revised Code.(23) "Total resources," in the case of a joint vocational school district, means the sum of amounts in divisions (A)(23)(a) to (g) of this section less any reduction required under division (A)(32) of this section. (a) The state education aid for fiscal year 2010;(b) The sum of the payments received by the joint vocational school district in fiscal year 2010 for current expense levy losses pursuant to division (C)(2) of section 5727.85 and divisions (C)(8) and (9) of section 5751.21 of the Revised Code;(c) Fifty per cent of the joint vocational school district's taxes charged and payable against all property on the tax list of real and public utility property for current expense purposes for tax year 2008;(d) Fifty per cent of the joint vocational school district's taxes charged and payable against all property on the tax list of real and public utility property for current expenses for tax year 2009;(e) Fifty per cent of a city, local, or exempted village school district's taxes charged and payable against all property on the tax list of real and public utility property for current expenses of the joint vocational school district for tax year 2008;(f) Fifty per cent of a city, local, or exempted village school district's taxes charged and payable against all property on the tax list of real and public utility property for current expenses of the joint vocational school district for tax year 2009;(g) The joint vocational school district's taxes charged and payable against all property on the general tax list of personal property for current expenses for tax year 2009.(24) "Total resources," in the case of county mental health and disability related functions, means the sum of the amounts in divisions (A)(24)(a) and (b) of this section less any reduction required under division (A)(32) of this section. (a) The sum of the payments received by the county for mental health and developmental disability related functions in calendar year 2010 under division (A)(1) of section 5727.86 and divisions (A)(1) and (2) of section 5751.22 of the Revised Code as they existed at that time;(b) With respect to taxes levied by the county for mental health and developmental disability related purposes, the taxes charged and payable for such purposes against all property on the tax list of real and public utility property for tax year 2009. (25) "Total resources," in the case of county senior services related functions, means the sum of the amounts in divisions (A)(25)(a) and (b) of this section less any reduction required under division (A)(32) of this section. (a) The sum of the payments received by the county for senior services related functions in calendar year 2010 under division (A)(1) of section 5727.86 and divisions (A)(1) and (2) of section 5751.22 of the Revised Code as they existed at that time;(b) With respect to taxes levied by the county for senior services related purposes, the taxes charged and payable for such purposes against all property on the tax list of real and public utility property for tax year 2009.(26) "Total resources," in the case of county children's services related functions, means the sum of the amounts in divisions (A)(26)(a) and (b) of this section less any reduction required under division (A)(32) of this section. (a) The sum of the payments received by the county for children's services related functions in calendar year 2010 under division (A)(1) of section 5727.86 and divisions (A)(1) and (2) of section 5751.22 of the Revised Code as they existed at that time;(b) With respect to taxes levied by the county for children's services related purposes, the taxes charged and payable for such purposes against all property on the tax list of real and public utility property for tax year 2009.(27) "Total resources," in the case of county public health related functions, means the sum of the amounts in divisions (A)(27)(a) and (b) of this section less any reduction required under division (A)(32) of this section. (a) The sum of the payments received by the county for public health related functions in calendar year 2010 under division (A)(1) of section 5727.86 and divisions (A)(1) and (2) of section 5751.22 of the Revised Code as they existed at that time;(b) With respect to taxes levied by the county for public health related purposes, the taxes charged and payable for such purposes against all property on the tax list of real and public utility property for tax year 2009.(28) "Total resources," in the case of all county functions not included in divisions (A)(24) to (27) of this section, means the sum of the amounts in divisions (A)(28)(a) to (d) of this section less any reduction required under division (A)(32) or (33) of this section. (a) The sum of the payments received by the county for all other purposes in calendar year 2010 under division (A)(1) of section 5727.86 and divisions (A)(1) and (2) of section 5751.22 of the Revised Code as they existed at that time;(b) The county's percentage share of county undivided local government fund allocations as certified to the tax commissioner for calendar year 2010 by the county auditor under division (J) of section 5747.51 of the Revised Code or division (F) of section 5747.53 of the Revised Code multiplied by the total amount actually distributed in calendar year 2010 from the county undivided local government fund;(c) With respect to taxes levied by the county for all other purposes, the taxes charged and payable for such purposes against all property on the tax list of real and public utility property for tax year 2009, excluding taxes charged and payable for the purpose of paying debt charges;(d) The sum of the amounts distributed to the county in calendar year 2010 for the taxes levied pursuant to sections 5739.021 and 5741.021 of the Revised Code.(29) "Total resources," in the case of a municipal corporation, means the sum of the amounts in divisions (A)(29)(a) to (g) of this section less any reduction required under division (A)(32) or (33) of this section. (a) The sum of the payments received by the municipal corporation in calendar year 2010 for current expense levy losses under division (A)(1) of section 5727.86 and divisions (A)(1) and (2) of section 5751.22 of the Revised Code as they existed at that time;(b) The municipal corporation's percentage share of county undivided local government fund allocations as certified to the tax commissioner for calendar year 2010 by the county auditor under division (J) of section 5747.51 of the Revised Code or division (F) of section 5747.53 of the Revised Code multiplied by the total amount actually distributed in calendar year 2010 from the county undivided local government fund;(c) The sum of the amounts distributed to the municipal corporation in calendar year 2010 pursuant to section 5747.50 of the Revised Code;(d) With respect to taxes levied by the municipal corporation, the taxes charged and payable against all property on the tax list of real and public utility property for current expenses, defined in division (A)(35) of this section, for tax year 2009;(e) The amount of admissions tax collected by the municipal corporation in calendar year 2008, or if such information has not yet been reported to the tax commissioner, in the most recent year before 2008 for which the municipal corporation has reported data to the commissioner; (f) The amount of income taxes collected by the municipal corporation in calendar year 2008, or if such information has not yet been reported to the tax commissioner, in the most recent year before 2008 for which the municipal corporation has reported data to the commissioner;(g) The municipal corporation's median estate tax collections.(30) "Total resources," in the case of a township, means the sum of the amounts in divisions (A)(30)(a) to (c) of this section less any reduction required under division (A)(32) or (33) of this section. (a) The sum of the payments received by the township in calendar year 2010 pursuant to division (A)(1) of section 5727.86 of the Revised Code and divisions (A)(1) and (2) of section 5751.22 of the Revised Code as they existed at that time, excluding payments received for debt purposes;(b) The township's percentage share of county undivided local government fund allocations as certified to the tax commissioner for calendar year 2010 by the county auditor under division (J) of section 5747.51 of the Revised Code or division (F) of section 5747.53 of the Revised Code multiplied by the total amount actually distributed in calendar year 2010 from the county undivided local government fund;(c) With respect to taxes levied by the township, the taxes charged and payable against all property on the tax list of real and public utility property for tax year 2009 excluding taxes charged and payable for the purpose of paying debt charges.(31) "Total resources," in the case of a local taxing unit that is not a county, municipal corporation, or township, means the sum of the amounts in divisions (A)(31)(a) to (e) of this section less any reduction required under division (A)(32) of this section. (a) The sum of the payments received by the local taxing unit in calendar year 2010 pursuant to division (A)(1) of section 5727.86 of the Revised Code and divisions (A)(1) and (2) of section 5751.22 of the Revised Code as they existed at that time;(b) The local taxing unit's percentage share of county undivided local government fund allocations as certified to the tax commissioner for calendar year 2010 by the county auditor under division (J) of section 5747.51 of the Revised Code or division (F) of section 5747.53 of the Revised Code multiplied by the total amount actually distributed in calendar year 2010 from the county undivided local government fund;(c) With respect to taxes levied by the local taxing unit, the taxes charged and payable against all property on the tax list of real and public utility property for tax year 2009 excluding taxes charged and payable for the purpose of paying debt charges;(d) The amount received from the tax commissioner during calendar year 2010 for sales or use taxes authorized under sections 5739.023 and 5741.022 of the Revised Code;(e) For institutions of higher education receiving tax revenue from a local levy, as identified in section 3358.02 of the Revised Code, the final state share of instruction allocation for fiscal year 2010 as calculated by the chancellor of higher education and reported to the state controlling board.(32) If a fixed-rate levy that is a qualifying levy is not charged and payable in any year after tax year 2010, "total resources" used to compute payments to be made under division (C)(12) of section 5751.21 or division (A)(1)(b) or (c) of section 5751.22 of the Revised Code in the tax years following the last year the levy is charged and payable shall be reduced to the extent that the payments are attributable to the fixed-rate levy loss of that levy as would be computed under division (C)(2) of section 5727.85, division (A)(1) of section 5727.85, divisions (C)(8) and (9) of section 5751.21, or division (A)(1) of section 5751.22 of the Revised Code. (33) In the case of a county, municipal corporation, school district, or township with fixed-rate levy losses attributable to a tax levied under section 5705.23 of the Revised Code, "total resources" used to compute payments to be made under division (C)(3) of section 5727.85, division (A)(1)(d) of section 5727.86, division (C)(12) of section 5751.21, or division (A)(1)(c) of section 5751.22 of the Revised Code shall be reduced by the amounts described in divisions (A)(34)(a) to (c) of this section to the extent that those amounts were included in calculating the "total resources" of the school district or local taxing unit under division (A)(22), (28), (29), or (30) of this section.(34) "Total library resources," in the case of a county, municipal corporation, school district, or township public library that receives the proceeds of a tax levied under section 5705.23 of the Revised Code, means the sum of the amounts in divisions (A)(34)(a) to (c) of this section less any reduction required under division (A)(32) of this section. (a) The sum of the payments received by the county, municipal corporation, school district, or township public library in calendar year 2010 pursuant to sections 5727.86 and 5751.22 of the Revised Code, as they existed at that time, for fixed-rate levy losses attributable to a tax levied under section 5705.23 of the Revised Code for the benefit of the public library;(b) The public library's percentage share of county undivided local government fund allocations as certified to the tax commissioner for calendar year 2010 by the county auditor under division (J) of section 5747.51 of the Revised Code or division (F) of section 5747.53 of the Revised Code multiplied by the total amount actually distributed in calendar year 2010 from the county undivided local government fund;(c) With respect to a tax levied pursuant to section 5705.23 of the Revised Code for the benefit of the public library, the amount of such tax that is charged and payable against all property on the tax list of real and public utility property for tax year 2009 excluding any tax that is charged and payable for the purpose of paying debt charges.(35) "Municipal current expense property tax levies" means all property tax levies of a municipality, except those with the following levy names: airport resurfacing; bond or any levy name including the word "bond"; capital improvement or any levy name including the word "capital"; debt or any levy name including the word "debt"; equipment or any levy name including the word "equipment," unless the levy is for combined operating and equipment; employee termination fund; fire pension or any levy containing the word "pension," including police pensions; fireman's fund or any practically similar name; sinking fund; road improvements or any levy containing the word "road"; fire truck or apparatus; flood or any levy containing the word "flood"; conservancy district; county health; note retirement; sewage, or any levy containing the words "sewage" or "sewer"; park improvement; parkland acquisition; storm drain; street or any levy name containing the word "street"; lighting, or any levy name containing the word "lighting"; and water. (36) "Current expense TPP allocation" means, in the case of a school district or joint vocational school district, the sum of the payments received by the school district in fiscal year 2011 pursuant to divisions (C)(10) and (11) of section 5751.21 of the Revised Code to the extent paid for current expense levies. In the case of a municipal corporation, "current expense TPP allocation" means the sum of the payments received by the municipal corporation in calendar year 2010 pursuant to divisions (A)(1) and (2) of section 5751.22 of the Revised Code to the extent paid for municipal current expense property tax levies as defined in division (A)(35) of this section, excluding any such payments received for current expense levy losses attributable to a tax levied under section 5705.23 of the Revised Code. If a fixed-rate levy that is a qualifying levy is not charged and payable in any year after tax year 2010, "current expense TPP allocation" used to compute payments to be made under division (C)(12) of section 5751.21 or division (A)(1)(b) or (c) of section 5751.22 of the Revised Code in the tax years following the last year the levy is charged and payable shall be reduced to the extent that the payments are attributable to the fixed-rate levy loss of that levy as would be computed under divisions (C)(10) and (11) of section 5751.21 or division (A)(1) of section 5751.22 of the Revised Code.(37) "TPP allocation" means the sum of payments received by a local taxing unit in calendar year 2010 pursuant to divisions (A)(1) and (2) of section 5751.22 of the Revised Code, excluding any such payments received for fixed-rate levy losses attributable to a tax levied under section 5705.23 of the Revised Code. If a fixed-rate levy that is a qualifying levy is not charged and payable in any year after tax year 2010, "TPP allocation" used to compute payments to be made under division (A)(1)(b) or (c) of section 5751.22 of the Revised Code in the tax years following the last year the levy is charged and payable shall be reduced to the extent that the payments are attributable to the fixed-rate levy loss of that levy as would be computed under division (A)(1) of that section. (38) "Total TPP allocation" means, in the case of a school district or joint vocational school district, the sum of the amounts received in fiscal year 2011 pursuant to divisions (C)(10) and (11) and (D) of section 5751.21 of the Revised Code. In the case of a local taxing unit, "total TPP allocation" means the sum of payments received by the unit in calendar year 2010 pursuant to divisions (A)(1), (2), and (3) of section 5751.22 of the Revised Code. If a fixed-rate levy that is a qualifying levy is not charged and payable in any year after tax year 2010, "total TPP allocation" used to compute payments to be made under division (C)(12) of section 5751.21 or division (A)(1)(b) or (c) of section 5751.22 of the Revised Code in the tax years following the last year the levy is charged and payable shall be reduced to the extent that the payments are attributable to the fixed-rate levy loss of that levy as would be computed under divisions (C)(10) and (11) of section 5751.21 or division (A)(1) of section 5751.22 of the Revised Code.(39) "Non-current expense TPP allocation" means the difference of total TPP allocation minus the sum of current expense TPP allocation and the portion of total TPP allocation constituting reimbursement for debt levies, pursuant to division (D) of section 5751.21 of the Revised Code in the case of a school district or joint vocational school district and pursuant to division (A)(3) of section 5751.22 of the Revised Code in the case of a municipal corporation.(40) "TPP allocation for library purposes" means the sum of payments received by a county, municipal corporation, school district, or township public library in calendar year 2010 pursuant to section 5751.22 of the Revised Code for fixed-rate levy losses attributable to a tax levied under section 5705.23 of the Revised Code. If a fixed-rate levy authorized under section 5705.23 of the Revised Code that is a qualifying levy is not charged and payable in any year after tax year 2010, "TPP allocation for library purposes" used to compute payments to be made under division (A)(1)(d) of section 5751.22 of the Revised Code in the tax years following the last year the levy is charged and payable shall be reduced to the extent that the payments are attributable to the fixed-rate levy loss of that levy as would be computed under division (A)(1) of section 5751.22 of the Revised Code. (41) "Threshold per cent" means, in the case of a school district or joint vocational school district, two per cent for fiscal year 2012 and four per cent for fiscal years 2013 and thereafter. In the case of a local taxing unit or public library that receives the proceeds of a tax levied under section 5705.23 of the Revised Code, "threshold per cent" means two per cent for tax year 2011, four per cent for tax year 2012, and six per cent for tax years 2013 and thereafter.(B)(1) The commercial activities tax receipts fund is hereby created in the state treasury and shall consist of money arising from the tax imposed under this chapter. Eighty-five one-hundredths of one per cent of the money credited to that fund shall be credited to the revenue enhancement fund and shall be used to defray the costs incurred by the department of taxation in administering the tax imposed by this chapter and in implementing tax reform measures. The remainder of the money in the commercial activities tax receipts fund shall first be credited to the commercial activity tax motor fuel receipts fund, pursuant to division (B)(2) of this section, and the remainder shall be credited in the following percentages each fiscal year to the general revenue fund, to the school district tangible property tax replacement fund, which is hereby created in the state treasury for the purpose of making the payments described in section 5751.21 of the Revised Code, and to the local government tangible property tax replacement fund, which is hereby created in the state treasury for the purpose of making the payments described in section 5751.22 of the Revised Code, in the following percentages: Fiscal year | General Revenue Fund | School District Tangible Property Tax Replacement Fund | Local Government Tangible Property Tax Replacement Fund |
2006 | 67.7 % | 22.6 % | 9.7 % |
2007 | 0% | 70.0 % | 30.0 % |
2008 | 0% | 70.0 % | 30.0 % |
2009 | 0% | 70.0 % | 30.0 % |
2010 | 0% | 70.0 % | 30.0 % |
2011 | 0% | 70.0 % | 30.0 % |
2012 | 25.0 % | 52.5 % | 22.5 % |
2013 and thereafter | 50.0 % | 35.0 % | 15.0 % |
(2) Not later than the twentieth day of February, May, August, and November of each year, the commissioner shall provide for payment from the commercial activities tax receipts fund to the commercial activity tax motor fuel receipts fund an amount that bears the same ratio to the balance in the commercial activities tax receipts fund that (a) the taxable gross receipts attributed to motor fuel used for propelling vehicles on public highways as indicated by returns filed by the tenth day of that month for a liability that is due and payable on or after July 1, 2013, for a tax period ending before July 1, 2014, bears to (b) all taxable gross receipts as indicated by those returns for such liabilities. (C) Not later than September 15, 2005, the tax commissioner shall determine for each school district, joint vocational school district, and local taxing unit its machinery and equipment, inventory property, furniture and fixtures property, and telephone property tax value losses, which are the applicable amounts described in divisions (C)(1), (2), (3), and (4) of this section, except as provided in division (C)(5) of this section: (1) Machinery and equipment property tax value loss is the taxable value of machinery and equipment property as reported by taxpayers for tax year 2004 multiplied by: (a) For tax year 2006, thirty-three and eight-tenths per cent;(b) For tax year 2007, sixty-one and three-tenths per cent;(c) For tax year 2008, eighty-three per cent;(d) For tax year 2009 and thereafter, one hundred per cent.(2) Inventory property tax value loss is the taxable value of inventory property as reported by taxpayers for tax year 2004 multiplied by: (a) For tax year 2006, a fraction, the numerator of which is five and three-fourths and the denominator of which is twenty-three;(b) For tax year 2007, a fraction, the numerator of which is nine and one-half and the denominator of which is twenty-three;(c) For tax year 2008, a fraction, the numerator of which is thirteen and one-fourth and the denominator of which is twenty-three;(d) For tax year 2009 and thereafter a fraction, the numerator of which is seventeen and the denominator of which is twenty-three.(3) Furniture and fixtures property tax value loss is the taxable value of furniture and fixture property as reported by taxpayers for tax year 2004 multiplied by: (a) For tax year 2006, twenty-five per cent; (b) For tax year 2007, fifty per cent;(c) For tax year 2008, seventy-five per cent;(d) For tax year 2009 and thereafter, one hundred per cent. The taxable value of property reported by taxpayers used in divisions (C)(1), (2), and (3) of this section shall be such values as determined to be final by the tax commissioner as of August 31, 2005. Such determinations shall be final except for any correction of a clerical error that was made prior to August 31, 2005, by the tax commissioner.
(4) Telephone property tax value loss is the taxable value of telephone property as taxpayers would have reported that property for tax year 2004 if the assessment rate for all telephone property for that year were twenty-five per cent, multiplied by: (a) For tax year 2006, zero per cent; (b) For tax year 2007, zero per cent;(c) For tax year 2008, zero per cent;(d) For tax year 2009, sixty per cent;(e) For tax year 2010, eighty per cent;(f) For tax year 2011 and thereafter, one hundred per cent.(5) Division (C)(5) of this section applies to any school district, joint vocational school district, or local taxing unit in a county in which is located a facility currently or formerly devoted to the enrichment or commercialization of uranium or uranium products, and for which the total taxable value of property listed on the general tax list of personal property for any tax year from tax year 2001 to tax year 2004 was fifty per cent or less of the taxable value of such property listed on the general tax list of personal property for the next preceding tax year. In computing the fixed-rate levy losses under divisions (D)(1), (2), and (3) of this section for any school district, joint vocational school district, or local taxing unit to which division (C)(5) of this section applies, the taxable value of such property as listed on the general tax list of personal property for tax year 2000 shall be substituted for the taxable value of such property as reported by taxpayers for tax year 2004, in the taxing district containing the uranium facility, if the taxable value listed for tax year 2000 is greater than the taxable value reported by taxpayers for tax year 2004. For the purpose of making the computations under divisions (D)(1), (2), and (3) of this section, the tax year 2000 valuation is to be allocated to machinery and equipment, inventory, and furniture and fixtures property in the same proportions as the tax year 2004 values. For the purpose of the calculations in division (A) of section 5751.21 of the Revised Code, the tax year 2004 taxable values shall be used.
To facilitate the calculations required under division (C) of this section, the county auditor, upon request from the tax commissioner, shall provide by August 1, 2005, the values of machinery and equipment, inventory, and furniture and fixtures for all single-county personal property taxpayers for tax year 2004.
(D) Not later than September 15, 2005, the tax commissioner shall determine for each tax year from 2006 through 2009 for each school district, joint vocational school district, and local taxing unit its machinery and equipment, inventory, and furniture and fixtures fixed-rate levy losses, and for each tax year from 2006 through 2011 its telephone property fixed-rate levy loss. Except as provided in division (F) of this section, such losses are the applicable amounts described in divisions (D)(1), (2), (3), and (4) of this section: (1) The machinery and equipment fixed-rate levy loss is the machinery and equipment property tax value loss multiplied by the sum of the tax rates of fixed-rate qualifying levies.(2) The inventory fixed-rate loss is the inventory property tax value loss multiplied by the sum of the tax rates of fixed-rate qualifying levies.(3) The furniture and fixtures fixed-rate levy loss is the furniture and fixture property tax value loss multiplied by the sum of the tax rates of fixed-rate qualifying levies.(4) The telephone property fixed-rate levy loss is the telephone property tax value loss multiplied by the sum of the tax rates of fixed-rate qualifying levies.(E) Not later than September 15, 2005, the tax commissioner shall determine for each school district, joint vocational school district, and local taxing unit its fixed-sum levy loss. The fixed-sum levy loss is the amount obtained by subtracting the amount described in division (E)(2) of this section from the amount described in division (E)(1) of this section: (1) The sum of the machinery and equipment property tax value loss, the inventory property tax value loss, and the furniture and fixtures property tax value loss, and, for 2008 through 2010, the telephone property tax value loss of the district or unit multiplied by the sum of the fixed-sum tax rates of qualifying levies. For 2006 through 2010, this computation shall include all qualifying levies remaining in effect for the current tax year and any school district levies charged and payable under section 5705.194 or 5705.213 of the Revised Code that are qualifying levies not remaining in effect for the current year. For 2011 through 2017 in the case of school district levies charged and payable under section 5705.194 or 5705.213 of the Revised Code and for all years after 2010 in the case of other fixed-sum levies, this computation shall include only qualifying levies remaining in effect for the current year. For purposes of this computation, a qualifying school district levy charged and payable under section 5705.194 or 5705.213 of the Revised Code remains in effect in a year after 2010 only if, for that year, the board of education levies a school district levy charged and payable under section 5705.194, 5705.199, 5705.213, or 5705.219 of the Revised Code for an annual sum at least equal to the annual sum levied by the board in tax year 2004 less the amount of the payment certified under this division for 2006.(2) The total taxable value in tax year 2004 less the sum of the machinery and equipment, inventory, furniture and fixtures, and telephone property tax value losses in each school district, joint vocational school district, and local taxing unit multiplied by one-half of one mill per dollar.(3) For the calculations in divisions (E)(1) and (2) of this section, the tax value losses are those that would be calculated for tax year 2009 under divisions (C)(1), (2), and (3) of this section and for tax year 2011 under division (C)(4) of this section.(4) To facilitate the calculation under divisions (D) and (E) of this section, not later than September 1, 2005, any school district, joint vocational school district, or local taxing unit that has a qualifying levy that was approved at an election conducted during 2005 before September 1, 2005, shall certify to the tax commissioner a copy of the county auditor's certificate of estimated property tax millage for such levy as required under division (B) of section 5705.03 of the Revised Code, which is the rate that shall be used in the calculations under such divisions. If the amount determined under division (E) of this section for any school district, joint vocational school district, or local taxing unit is greater than zero, that amount shall equal the reimbursement to be paid pursuant to division (E) of section 5751.21 or division (A)(3) of section 5751.22 of the Revised Code, and the one-half of one mill that is subtracted under division (E)(2) of this section shall be apportioned among all contributing fixed-sum levies in the proportion that each levy bears to the sum of all fixed-sum levies within each school district, joint vocational school district, or local taxing unit.
(F) If a school district levies a tax under section 5705.219 of the Revised Code, the fixed-rate levy loss for qualifying levies, to the extent repealed under that section, shall equal the sum of the following amounts in lieu of the amounts computed for such levies under division (D) of this section: (1) The sum of the rates of qualifying levies to the extent so repealed multiplied by the sum of the machinery and equipment, inventory, and furniture and fixtures tax value losses for 2009 as determined under that division;(2) The sum of the rates of qualifying levies to the extent so repealed multiplied by the telephone property tax value loss for 2011 as determined under that division. The fixed-rate levy losses for qualifying levies to the extent not repealed under section 5705.219 of the Revised Code shall be as determined under division (D) of this section. The revised fixed-rate levy losses determined under this division and division (D) of this section first apply in the year following the first year the district levies the tax under section 5705.219 of the Revised Code.
(G) Not later than October 1, 2005, the tax commissioner shall certify to the department of education for every school district and joint vocational school district the machinery and equipment, inventory, furniture and fixtures, and telephone property tax value losses determined under division (C) of this section, the machinery and equipment, inventory, furniture and fixtures, and telephone fixed-rate levy losses determined under division (D) of this section, and the fixed-sum levy losses calculated under division (E) of this section. The calculations under divisions (D) and (E) of this section shall separately display the levy loss for each levy eligible for reimbursement.(H) Not later than October 1, 2005, the tax commissioner shall certify the amount of the fixed-sum levy losses to the county auditor of each county in which a school district, joint vocational school district, or local taxing unit with a fixed-sum levy loss reimbursement has territory.(I) Not later than the twenty-eighth day of February each year beginning in 2011 and ending in 2014, the tax commissioner shall certify to the department of education for each school district first levying a tax under section 5705.219 of the Revised Code in the preceding year the revised fixed-rate levy losses determined under divisions (D) and (F) of this section.(J)(1) There is hereby created in the state treasury the commercial activity tax motor fuel receipts fund.(2)(a) On or before June 15, 2014, the director of the Ohio public works commission shall certify to the director of budget and management the amount of debt service paid from the general revenue fund in fiscal years 2013 and 2014 on bonds issued to finance or assist in the financing of the cost of local subdivision public infrastructure capital improvement projects, as provided for in Sections 2k, 2m, 2p, and 2s of Article VIII, Ohio Constitution, that are attributable to costs for construction, reconstruction, maintenance, or repair of public highways and bridges and other statutory highway purposes. That certification shall allocate the total amount of debt service paid from the general revenue fund and attributable to those costs in each of fiscal years 2013 and 2014 according to the applicable section of the Ohio Constitution under which the bonds were originally issued. (b) On or before June 30, 2014, the director of budget and management shall determine an amount up to but not exceeding the amount certified under division (J)(2)(a) of this section and shall reserve that amount from the cash balance in the commercial activity tax motor fuel receipts fund for transfer to the general revenue fund at times and in amounts to be determined by the director. The director shall transfer the cash balance in the commercial activity tax motor fuel receipts fund in excess of the amount so reserved to the highway operating fund on or before June 30, 2014.(3)(a) On or before the fifteenth day of June of each fiscal year beginning with fiscal year 2015, the director of the Ohio public works commission shall certify to the director of budget and management the amount of debt service paid from the general revenue fund in the current fiscal year on bonds issued to finance or assist in the financing of the cost of local subdivision public infrastructure capital improvement projects, as provided for in Sections 2k, 2m, 2p, and 2s of Article VIII, Ohio Constitution, that are attributable to costs for construction, reconstruction, maintenance, or repair of public highways and bridges and other statutory highway purposes. That certification shall allocate the total amount of debt service paid from the general revenue fund and attributable to those costs in the current fiscal year according to the applicable section of the Ohio Constitution under which the bonds were originally issued.(b) On or before the thirtieth day of June of each fiscal year beginning with fiscal year 2015, the director of budget and management shall determine an amount up to but not exceeding the amount certified under division (J)(3)(a) of this section and shall reserve that amount from the cash balance in the petroleum activity tax public highways fund or the commercial activity tax motor fuel receipts fund for transfer to the general revenue fund at times and in amounts to be determined by the director. The director shall transfer the cash balance in the petroleum activity tax public highways fund or the commercial activity tax motor fuel receipts fund in excess of the amount so reserved to the highway operating fund on or before the thirtieth day of June of the current fiscal year.Amended by 131st General Assembly, SB 310,§101.01, eff. 8/16/2016.Amended by 131st General Assembly, HB 64,§101.01, eff. 7/1/2015.Amended by 130th General Assembly, HB 492,§1, eff. 9/17/2014.Amended by 130th General Assembly, HB 59,§101.01, eff. 9/29/2013 and 7/1/2014.Amended by 130th General Assembly, HB 51,§101.01, eff. 4/1/2013 and 7/1/2013.Amended by 129th General Assembly, SB 316, §101.01, eff. 9/24/2012.Amended by 129th General Assembly, HB 508, §1, eff. 6/6/2012.Amended by 129th General Assembly, HB 153, §101.01, eff. 6/30/2011.Amended by 128th General Assembly, HB 1, §101.01, eff. 7/17/2009 and 10/16/2009.Effective Date: 06-30-2005; 03-30-2006; 09-05-2006; 2007 HB119 09-29-2007; 2008 HB562 06-24-2008 See 130th General Assembly, HB 59, §803.90. See 130th General Assembly, HB 51, §812.20.20. See 130th General Assembly, HB 51, §812.20.10. See 128th General Assembly, HB 1, §812.30.