Section 4907.474 - Closing crossings to vehicular traffic(A) In making the survey provided for by section 4907.471 of the Revised Code, the public utilities commission shall determine as to each crossing whether there is a demonstrable need for such crossing to exist and whether the crossing could be closed to vehicular traffic, or to pedestrian traffic, or to both, and the travel over the crossing diverted to other crossings. In making this determination, the commission shall consider all of the following: (1) The daily vehicular and train traffic at the crossing to be closed;(2) The daily vehicular and train traffic at any alternate crossings;(3) The daily increase in vehiclular traffic at alternate crossings resulting from proposed crossing closures;(4) The nature of the roadway at any alternate crossings;(5) The total number of crossings within one linear mile of the crossing to be closed;(6) The type of advance warning devices at any alternate crossings;(7) The sight distances at any alternate crossings, including any permanent obstruction affecting distance of view;(8) The impact of closure on vehicular traffic, emergency vehicles, commercial enterprises, and any other factors pertinent to municipal corporations and other populated areas;(9) Any other factor the commission determines appropriate.(B) If the commission finds that there is not a demonstrable need for a crossing to exist according to the factors listed in divisions (A)(1) to (9) of this section and that the crossing could be closed, and if the crossing is on a street or way within a municipal corporation, the commission shall hold a public hearing on the issue of the possible closing of the crossing to vehicular traffic, or to pedesterian traffic, or both, and invite comments on the closing and the effects the closing would have on the vehicular and pedestrian traffic patterns within the municipal corporation. The commission also shall hold such a hearing upon application of the municipal corporation within which a crossing is located, or upon application of the railroad having jurisdiction over a crossing, if the municipal corporation or railroad believes that there is not a demonstrable need for the crossing to exist and that the crossing should be closed to the public. Any such application filed by a municipal corporation or railroad shall be on a form provided by the commission. Notice of the hearing shall be published once a week for three consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation in the municipal corporation in which the crossing at issue is located. The hearing shall be held at a location within the boundaries of the municipal corporation. If, after the hearing, it is the opinion of the commission that there is not a demonstrable need for the crossing to exist according to the factors listed in divisions (A)(1) to (9) of this section and that the crossing should be closed, the commission shall issue an order to the legislative authority of the municipal corporation in which the crossing is located directing it to discontinue the crossing and close it to vehicular traffic, or to pedestrian traffic, or both, by ordinance. The commission shall enter the order upon its journal. The legislative authority of the municipal corporation, within thirty days after receipt of the order from the commission, shall discontinue the crossing and close it to vehicular traffic, or to pedestrian traffic, or both, as specified in the order of the commission.(C) The municipal corporation or railroad may file with the commission an application for a rehearing of the commission's order issued under division (B) of this section. Any application for a rehearing of an order issued by the commission under this section shall be filed in accordance with and meet the requirements contained in section 4903.10 of the Revised Code, and any rehearing held by the commission shall be conducted in accordance with that section.The municipal corporation or railroad may appeal the order of the commission, as affirmed or modified by the commission after the rehearing, to the supreme court.
(D) The commission shall assess the costs, as determined by the commission, of the closure of a crossing under this section against the railroad having jurisdiction over the crossing. If a municipal corporation or railroad applies for closure of a crossing under division (B) of this section, the commission may assess the costs of any investigation conducted under this section to make the determination required by division (A) of this section against the municipal corporation or railroad that applies for the closure.Effective Date: 7/1/1993 .