If both the complainant and the licensed home inspector file such a request, the superintendent shall notify the complainant and the licensed home inspector of the date and time of the informal mediation hearing. A mediator employed by the superintendent shall conduct the informal mediation hearing. If the complainant and the licensed home inspector reach an accommodation during that informal mediation hearing, the mediator shall send a written report describing the accommodation to the superintendent, complainant, and licensee. Notwithstanding division (C) of this section, the written report describing the accommodation is confidential and is not a public record for purposes of section 149.43 of the Revised Code. The superintendent shall close the complaint upon satisfactory completion of the accommodation.
If the licensee or the complainant fails to file a request for an informal mediation hearing, or if the parties fail to agree on an accommodation during that informal mediation hearing, the superintendent shall proceed with an investigation of the complaint.
T he court may make an order awarding process of subpoena or subpoena duces tecum for the person to appear and testify before the board or superintendent. The court also may order any person to give testimony and answer questions, and to produce books, records, or papers, as required by the board or superintendent.
Upon the filing of such order in the office of the clerk of the court of common pleas, the clerk, under the seal of the court, shall issue process of subpoena for the person to appear before the board or superintendent at a time and place named in the subpoena, and each day thereafter until the examination of such person is completed. The subpoena may contain a direction that the witness bring with the witness to the examination any books, records, or papers mentioned in the subpoena. The clerk shall also issue, under the seal of the court, such other orders, in reference to the examination, appearance, and production of books, records, or papers, as the court directs.
If any person so summoned by subpoena fails to obey the subpoena, to give testimony, to answer questions as required, or to obey an order of the court, the court, on motion supported by proof, may order an attachment for contempt to be issued against the person charged with disobedience of any order or injunction issued by the court under this chapter. If the person is brought before the court by virtue of the attachment, and if upon a hearing the disobedience appears, the court may order the offender to be committed and kept in close custody.
R.C. § 4764.12