Chapter 4734 - CHIROPRACTORS
- Section 4734.01 - Practice of chiropractic defined
- Section 4734.02 - Organization of state chiropractic board
- Section 4734.03 - Compensation and expenses of members
- Section 4734.04 - Meetings - records
- Section 4734.05 - Officers of board
- Section 4734.06 - Committees, groups
- Section 4734.07 - Immunity
- Section 4734.08 - Membership in federation of chiropractic licensing boards
- Section 4734.09 - Contracts
- Section 4734.091 - Amended and Renumbered RC 4734.17
- Section 4734.10 - Administrative rules
- Section 4734.101 - Amended and Renumbered RC 4734.37
- Section 4734.11 - Amended and Renumbered RC 4734.38
- Section 4734.12 - Amended and Renumbered RC 4734.34
- Section 4734.13 - Amended and Renumbered RC 4734.46
- Section 4734.14 - Prohibited acts
- Section 4734.141 - Certificate required to practice acupuncture
- Section 4734.142 - Prohibited acts by acupuncture licensee
- Section 4734.15 - Scope of practice of chiropractic - permissible titles
- Section 4734.151 - Animal chiropractic
- Section 4734.16 - Establishing code of ethics
- Section 4734.161 - Enabling person to retain handicapped parking privileges
- Section 4734.17 - Offering services through authorized business entity
- Section 4734.18 - Amended and Renumbered RC 4734.54
- Section 4734.19 - Current copy of statutes and rules
- Section 4734.20 - License application
- Section 4734.201 - Physiotherapy defined
- Section 4734.202 - License applicant to comply with RC Chapter 4776
- Section 4734.21 - Evaluation and approval of schools and colleges
- Section 4734.211 - Approved courses of study in acupuncture
- Section 4734.22 - Administering examination on jurisprudence
- Section 4734.23 - Reciprocity with other states
- Section 4734.24 - Certificate holders on 11-3-75
- Section 4734.25 - License renewal
- Section 4734.26 - Inactive license classification
- Section 4734.27 - Special limited license to practice chiropractic
- Section 4734.28 - Acupuncture and moxibustion defined
- Section 4734.281 - [Repealed]
- Section 4734.282 - Application for certificate to practice acupuncture
- Section 4734.283 - Issuance of acupuncture certificate
- Section 4734.284 - Renewal of acupuncture certificate
- Section 4734.285 - Advertisement of certification to practice acupuncture
- Section 4734.286 - Cessation of acupuncture practice - inactive certificate
- Section 4734.31 - Disciplinary actions by board
- Section 4734.311 - Effect of child support default on license
- Section 4734.32 - Reports of disciplinary actions by health care facility
- Section 4734.34 - Applying for restoration of license
- Section 4734.35 - Prosecutor's report of convictions
- Section 4734.36 - Automatic suspension upon guilty plea or conviction
- Section 4734.37 - Summary suspension of license
- Section 4734.38 - Suspension for mental illness or incompetency
- Section 4734.39 - Ability to practice impaired
- Section 4734.40 - Establishing standards for approving treatment providers for impaired chiropractors
- Section 4734.41 - Establishing chemical dependency and mental illness monitoring program
- Section 4734.42 - Development and implementation of quality intervention program
- Section 4734.45 - Investigations - confidential information
- Section 4734.46 - Hearing and investigation procedures
- Section 4734.47 - Enforcement officer
- Section 4734.48 - Service of process - procedure for discovery
- Section 4734.49 - Injunctions
- Section 4734.50 - Notice or warnings for minor violations
- Section 4734.53 - Fines
- Section 4734.54 - Depositing receipts
- Section 4734.55 - Providing information - duplicate license
- Section 4734.56 - Fees in excess of statutory amounts
- Section 4734.57 - Compliance with law regarding sanctions for human trafficking
- Section 4734.60 - Chiropractors may provide telehealth services
- Section 4734.99 - Penalty