Section 4723.282 - Establishing practice intervention and improvement program(A) As used in this section, "practice deficiency" means any activity that does not meet acceptable and prevailing standards of safe and effective nursing care or dialysis care.(B) The board of nursing may abstain from taking disciplinary action under section 4723.28 of the Revised Code against the holder of a license or certificate issued under this chapter who has a practice deficiency that has been identified by the board through an investigation conducted under section 4723.28 of the Revised Code. The board may abstain from taking action only if the board has reason to believe that the individual's practice deficiency can be corrected through remediation, and if the individual enters into an agreement with the board to seek remediation as prescribed by the board, complies with the terms and conditions of the remediation, and successfully completes the remediation. If an individual fails to complete the remediation or the board determines that remediation cannot correct the individual's practice deficiency, the board shall proceed with disciplinary action in accordance with section 4723.28 of the Revised Code.(C) To implement its authority under this section to abstain from taking disciplinary action, the board shall establish a practice intervention and improvement program. The board shall designate an administrator to operate the program and, in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, adopt rules for the program that establish the following:(1) Criteria for use in identifying an individual's practice deficiency;(2) Requirements that an individual must meet to be eligible for remediation and the board's abstention from disciplinary action;(3) Standards and procedures for prescribing remediation that is appropriate for an individual's identified practice deficiency;(4) Terms and conditions that an individual must meet to be successful in completing the remediation prescribed;(5) Procedures for the board's monitoring of the individual's remediation;(6) Procedures for maintaining confidential records regarding individuals who participate in remediation;(7) Any other requirements or procedures necessary to develop and administer the program.(D) All records held by the board for purposes of the program shall be confidential, are not public records for purposes of section 149.43 of the Revised Code, and are not subject to discovery by subpoena or admissible as evidence in any judicial proceeding. The administrator of the program shall maintain all records in the board's office in accordance with the board's record retention schedule.(E) When an individual begins the remediation prescribed by the board, the individual shall sign a waiver permitting any entity that provides services related to the remediation to release to the board information regarding the individual's progress. An entity that provides services related to remediation shall report to the board if the individual fails to complete the remediation or does not make satisfactory progress in remediation. In the absence of fraud or bad faith, an entity that reports to the board regarding an individual's practice deficiency, or progress or lack of progress in remediation, is not liable in damages to any person as a result of making the report.
(F) An individual participating in remediation prescribed under this section is responsible for all financial obligations that may arise from obtaining or completing the remediation.Effective Date: 4/10/2001 .