Ohio Rev. Code § 4723.02
The board of nursing shall assume and exercise all the powers and perform all the duties conferred and imposed on it by this chapter.
The board shall consist of thirteen members who shall be citizens of the United States and residents of Ohio. Eight members shall be registered nurses, each of whom shall be a graduate of an approved program of nursing education that prepares persons for licensure as a registered nurse, shall hold a currently active license issued under this chapter to practice nursing as a registered nurse, and shall have been actively engaged in the practice of nursing as a registered nurse for the five years immediately preceding the member's initial appointment to the board. Of the eight members who are registered nurses, at least two shall hold a current, valid license issued under this chapter that authorizes the practice of nursing as an advanced practice registered nurse. Four members shall be licensed practical nurses, each of whom shall be a graduate of an approved program of nursing education that prepares persons for licensure as a practical nurse, shall hold a currently active license issued under this chapter to practice nursing as a licensed practical nurse, and shall have been actively engaged in the practice of nursing as a licensed practical nurse for the five years immediately preceding the member's initial appointment to the board. One member shall represent the interests of consumers of health care. Neither this member nor any person in the member's immediate family shall be a member of or associated with a health care provider or profession or shall have a financial interest in the delivery or financing of health care. Representation of nursing service and nursing education and of the various geographical areas of the state shall be considered in making appointments.
As the term of any member of the board expires, a successor shall be appointed who has the qualifications the vacancy requires. Terms of office shall be for four years, commencing on the first day of January and ending on the thirty-first day of December.
A current or former board member who has served not more than one full term or one full term and not more than thirty months of another term may be reappointed for one additional term.
Each member shall hold office from the date of appointment until the end of the term for which the member was appointed. The term of a member shall expire if the member ceases to meet any requirement of this section for the member's position on the board. Any member appointed to fill a vacancy occurring prior to the expiration of the term for which the member's predecessor was appointed shall hold office for the remainder of such term. Any member shall continue in office subsequent to the expiration date of the member's term until the member's successor takes office, or until a period of sixty days has elapsed, whichever occurs first.
Nursing organizations of this state may each submit to the governor the names of not more than five nominees for each position to be filled on the board. From the names so submitted or from others, at the governor's discretion, the governor with the advice and consent of the senate shall make such appointments.
Any member of the board may be removed by the governor for neglect of any duty required by law or for incompetency or unprofessional or dishonorable conduct, after a hearing as provided in Chapter 119. of the Revised Code.
Seven members of the board including at least four registered nurses and at least one licensed practical nurse shall at all times constitute a quorum.
Each member of the board shall receive an amount fixed pursuant to division (J) of section 124.15 of the Revised Code for each day in attendance at board meetings and in discharge of official duties, and in addition thereto, necessary expense incurred in the performance of such duties.
The board shall elect one of its nurse members as president and one as vice-president. The board shall elect one of its registered nurse members to serve as the supervising member for disciplinary matters.
The board may establish advisory groups to serve in consultation with the board or the executive director. Each advisory group shall be given a specific charge in writing and shall report to the board. Members of advisory groups shall serve without compensation but shall receive their actual and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their official duties.
R.C. § 4723.02