Ohio Rev. Code § 4301.991
Upon the trial of a permit holder, the permit holder's employee, or the permit holder's agent for a violation of sections 4301.01 to 4301.74 of the Revised Code occurring on the premises for which a permit issued by the department or, beginning on July 1, 1997, the division of liquor control is held by the permit holder, the magistrate or the clerk of the municipal court or of the court of common pleas shall, if the permit holder, the permit holder's employee, or the permit holder's agent is found guilty, within seven days after the sentence has been imposed mail a certified copy of the record of such conviction to the director of public safety, who shall forward a copy of that certified copy to the director or, beginning on July 1, 1997, the superintendent of liquor control.
If the permit holder, the permit holder's employee, or the permit holder's agent is found to be not guilty after a trial on the merits, the magistrate or clerk of the municipal court or of the court of common pleas shall within seven days mail a certified copy of the journal entry to the director or superintendent of liquor control and the permit holder shall not be cited to the liquor control commission for any alleged violations of law or rules based upon specifications contained in the indictment, information, or affidavit in the case.
R.C. §4301.991