Daily Design | Annual |
Input Capacity | License |
(Tons) | Fee |
1 or less | $ 100 |
2 to 25 | 500 |
26 to 50 | 1,000 |
51 to 100 | 1,500 |
101 to 200 | 2,500 |
201 to 500 | 3,500 |
501 or more | 5,500 |
For the purpose of determining the applicable license fee under this division, the daily design input capacity shall be the quantity of scrap tires the facility is designed to process daily as set forth in the registration certificate or permit for the facility, and any modifications to the permit, if applicable, issued under section 3734.78 of the Revised Code.
Authorized Maximum | Annual |
Daily Waste Receipt | License |
(Tons) | Fee |
100 or less | $ 5,000 |
101 to 200 | 12,500 |
201 to 500 | 30,000 |
501 or more | 60,000 |
For the purpose of determining the applicable license fee under this division, the authorized maximum daily waste receipt shall be the maximum amount of scrap tires the facility is authorized to receive daily that is established in the permit for the facility, and any modification to that permit, issued under section 3734.77 of the Revised Code.
R.C. § 3734.82