Section 2933.56 - Contents - sealing application - disclosure - retention(A) Any interception warrant or extension of an interception warrant that is issued pursuant to sections 2933.53 to 2933.55 of the Revised Code shall contain all of the following: (1) The name and court of the judge who issued the warrant and the jurisdiction of that court;(2) If known, the identity of each person whose communications are to be intercepted or, if the identity is unascertainable, a detailed description of each known person whose communications are to be intercepted;(3) The nature and location of the communications facilities from which or of the place at which the authority to intercept is granted and, in the case of telephone or telegraph communications, a designation of the particular lines involved;(4) A statement of the objective of the warrant, as found by the issuing judge, and a statement of the designated offenses for which the authority to intercept is granted;(5) A description of the particular type of communication sought to be intercepted;(6) The identity of the investigative officer or law enforcement agency that is authorized to intercept communications pursuant to the interception warrant and the identity of the prosecuting attorney or assistant prosecuting attorney authorizing the application for the interception warrant;(7) The period of time during which the interception is authorized, including a statement as to whether the interception shall terminate automatically when the described communication is first intercepted;(8) A statement that the interception warrant shall be executed as soon as practicable;(9) A statement that the interception shall be conducted in a way that minimizes the interception of communications that are not subject to the interception warrant, provided that if the intercepted communication is in a code or a foreign language and an expert in decoding or in that foreign language is not reasonably available during the interception period, minimization may be accomplished as soon as practicable after the interception;(10) A statement that the interception shall terminate upon attainment of the authorized objective or upon the expiration of the thirty-day period described in division (E) of section 2933.54 of the Revised Code, whichever occurs first, unless an extension of the interception warrant is granted upon application by the judge who issued the original warrant;(11) A statement that the person who made the application for the warrant or extension and the investigative officer or law enforcement agency authorized to intercept the communications shall provide oral or written progress reports at seven-day intervals to the judge who issued the warrant showing the progress made toward achievement of the authorized objective of the warrant and the need for continued interception;(12) An authorization to enter private premises, other than the premises of a provider of wire or electronic communication service, for the sole purposes of installing, or of removing and permanently inactivating, interception devices and, if the entry is necessary to execute the interception warrant, a requirement that the time and date of the entry and name of the individual making the entry be reported to the court;(13) If applicable, a statement directing a provider of wire or electronic communication service, landlord, custodian, or other person forthwith to furnish the applicant all information, facilities, and technical assistance necessary to accomplish the interception unobtrusively and with a minimum of interference with the services that the provider of wire or electronic communication service, landlord, custodian, or other person is providing to the person whose communications are to be intercepted. This assistance by a provider of wire or electronic communication service shall not include assistance in supplying, installing, or removing and permanently inactivating, interception devices. Any provider of wire or electronic communication service and any landlord, custodian, or other person furnishing the facilities or technical assistance shall be compensated for them at the prevailing rates.(B) The judge of the court of common pleas to whom the application is made or who issued the warrant shall seal all applications for interception warrants that are made and all interception warrants that are issued pursuant to sections 2933.53 to 2933.55 of the Revised Code. The judge of a court of common pleas who received the application or issued the warrant shall specify who shall have custody of the sealed application and interception warrant. Copies of the interception warrant, together with a copy of the application, shall be delivered to and retained by the person who made the application for the warrant or extension as authority for the interception authorized by the warrant.
Except as otherwise provided in sections 2933.51 to 2933.66 of the Revised Code, the application and interception warrants shall be disclosed only upon a showing of good cause before a judge who is authorized to issue interception warrants. Upon the termination of the authorized interception, the person who made the application for the warrant or extension shall return all applications made and interception warrants issued under sections 2933.53 to 2933.55 of the Revised Code that pertain to the interception to the issuing judge, and the applications and warrants shall be sealed under the issuing judge's direction.
The applications and warrants shall be kept for at least ten years. At the expiration of the ten-year period, the issuing or denying judge may order that the applications and warrants be destroyed.
(C) A violation of division (B) of this section may be punished as contempt of court.Effective Date: 6/13/1996.