Ohio Rev. Code § 2725.10
In case of confinement, imprisonment, or detention by a person not an officer, the writ of habeas corpus shall be in the following form:
The State of Ohio,___________________County, ss.:
To the sheriff of our several counties, greeting:
We command you that the body of ______________ of _______________, by _______________, of _______________, imprisoned and restrained of his liberty, as it is said, you take and have before ______________, a judge of our _________________court, or, in case of his absence or disability, before some other judge of the same court, at ______________, forthwith to do and receive what our said judge shall then and there consider __________ concerning him in his behalf; and summon the said _________________ then and there to appear before our said judge, to show the cause of the taking and detention of the said _________________________
(Seal) Witness ______________, at _____________, this __________day of ________________, in the year ___________
R.C. §2725.10