Ohio Rev. Code § 1533.34
No person shall use or operate, for the purpose of taking fish, a boat, net, or device other than a minnow net or hook and line with bait or lure, in any of the waters of the state wherein fishing with nets is licensed by law, without a license for that gear from the chief of the division of wildlife. The application for a license and all licenses required by section 1533.35 of the Revised Code shall be in such form as the chief prescribes.
When a person applies to the chief for a license, the chief may issue the license if the person satisfies the qualifications established in division (C) of section 1533.342 of the Revised Code and the chief receives the proper fees. Upon proof of violation of this section, the chief may refuse to issue or renew any license. A license shall remain in force and entitle the holder thereof to fish as permitted by law from the date of issuance to and including the last day of the season for which the license was issued. The license shall be carried by the operator of a boat, net, or other device while the boat, net, or other device is being used in fishing and shall be exhibited on demand to any wildlife officer, constable, sheriff, deputy sheriff, or other police officer, or the chief. No licensee shall fail to exhibit the license on demand to any proper officer. Each boat, net, or other device used in fishing contrary to this section and each net or other device used or operated without having the metal license tag attached thereto as provided by law constitutes a separate offense.
Nonresident commercial fishers and their fishing gear shall not be licensed to fish in this state unless a reciprocal agreement is in force. A resident who purchases commercial fishing gear from out of state, or purchases a boat that has been registered less than a year in the state, shall give bona fide evidence of ownership of at least fifty-one per cent of the boat or gear whenever requested to do so by the chief or the chief's designated representative.
No person shall fail to comply with any provision of this section or division rules adopted pursuant thereto.
R.C. §1533.34