Unless the invention developer is an attorney or patent agent registered with the United States patent office, the invention developer is not permitted to give you legal advice concerning patent, copyright, or trademark law or to advise you of whether your idea or invention may be patentable or may be protected under the patent rights, copyright, or trademark laws of the United States or any other law.
No patent, copyright, or trademark protection will be acquired for you by the invention developer. Your failure to inquire into the law governing patent, copyright, or trademark matters may jeopardize your rights in your idea or invention, both in the United States and in foreign countries. Your failure to identify and investigate existing patents, trademarks, or registered copyrights may place you in jeopardy of infringing the copyrights, patent rights, or trademark rights of other persons if you proceed to make, use, distribute, or sell your idea or invention.
It is likely that no more than two percent and probably less than one percent of all inventions are successfully developed and promoted. You should evaluate your chances of success accordingly and not rely solely on the opinion of an invention developer.
N.D.C.C. § 9-14-05