N.D. Cent. Code § 61-24.3-03
The preliminary designs for a water supply facility for supplementation of the water resources of a portion of the area of North Dakota south and west of the Missouri River for multiple uses, as set forth in the engineering preliminary design final report for the southwest pipeline project, state water commission project no. 1736, dated September 1982, are hereby confirmed and approved, under the designation of the southwest pipeline project, and the construction of the southwest pipeline project shall be initiated and completed by the state water commission substantially in accordance with plan B of the engineering preliminary design final report, state water commission project no. 1736, dated September 1982, except as otherwise specifically provided in this chapter. The commission shall have the authority to eliminate the construction of any primary or secondary transmission mains which are part of plan B of the engineering preliminary design final report if the water user entities to be served by the primary or secondary transmission mains do not execute water service contracts for the purchase of a sufficient quantity of water, as determined by the commission, to justify the construction of the primary or secondary transmission mains. Chapters 49-22 and 49-22.1 shall not apply to this chapter. The right of way is hereby given, dedicated, and set apart, to locate, construct, and maintain such works over and through any of the lands which are or may be the property of the state.
N.D.C.C. § 61-24.3-03