N.D. Cent. Code § 61-16.1-25
In June and December of each year and as otherwise required by the county commission appointing the managers of the district, the district treasurer shall report to the water resource board in writing the amount of money in the treasury, the receipts, if any, in the preceding period and the amount and items of expenditure during that period. The report shall be verified and filed with the secretary of the district. A verified copy of the report shall also be filed in the office of the county auditor of each county in which the district lies and shall be open to public inspection.
During the month of January of each year, the water resource board shall prepare a complete statement of the condition of the finances of the district for the past year and shall cause the same to be filed with the county auditor of each county in which the district lies on or before February first next following. Such statement shall show separately, and in detail, the condition and resources of each and every assessment fund for the payment of project warrants of the district, including the amount of any anticipated deficit and the apportionment thereof. At its February meeting next following the filing of the statement of condition of any district, the board of county commissioners shall examine the statement and make inquiry regarding the same to determine whether or not the district has defaulted or may soon default on payment of its financial obligations as the same become due.
Whenever all special assessments collected for a project are insufficient to pay the special assessment warrants issued against such project, coming due within the following thirteen months, with interest, the board of county commissioners of each of the counties wherein the district lies shall advance to the district project warrant fund an amount sufficient to pay the deficiency attributable to benefited property in each county. If it appears to the board at any time that a deficiency exists or is likely to occur within one year in such project warrant fund for the payment of principal or interest due or to become due on such warrants, the board of county commissioners of each of the counties wherein the district lies, in order to forestall imminent deficiency in such fund or to promptly restore the ability of such fund to pay principal and interest punctually as the same become due, shall advance to such project fund the amount necessary to cover the anticipated deficiency attributable to benefited property in such county. In order to make such advances, the board of county commissioners of each of the counties shall levy a general tax upon the taxable property in the county, and may issue certificates of indebtedness against levies so made, or shall pay such advances from its general fund. Advances made by the county or counties shall be obligations of the district to be met out of any surplus in the district project warrant fund, and future district budgets and tax levies for the district after provision has been made for necessary current expenses. No tax limitation provided by any statute of this state shall apply to tax levies made by any county for the purpose of making any advances in accordance with the provisions of this section.
N.D.C.C. § 61-16.1-25