Current through 2023 Legislative Sessions
Section 57-55-10 - Exemptions - Exceptions1. A mobile home described in this subsection to the extent herein limited is exempt from taxation under this chapter; provided, that the mobile home shall have a tax permit as provided in section 57-55-06: a. If it is owned and used as living quarters of a military person on active military duty in this state who is a resident of another state.b. If it is owned and occupied by a welfare recipient, provided the mobile home is not permanently attached to the land and classified as real property. For the purposes of this subdivision, "welfare recipient" means any person who is certified to the county director of tax equalization by the human service zone as receiving the major portion of income from any state or federal public assistance program.c. If it is owned and used as living quarters by a disabled veteran or unremarried surviving spouse who meets the requirements of subsection 20 of section 57-02-08 or section 57-02-08.8.d. If it is owned and used as living quarters by a permanently and totally disabled person or unremarried surviving spouse who meets the requirements of subsection 20 of section 57-02-08.e. If it is owned and used as the living quarters for a blind person who meets the requirements of subsection 22 of section 57-02-08.f. If it is owned and used by a person who uses it as living quarters and who qualifies for the homestead credit provided in section 57-02-08.1, and the mobile home shall be regarded for the purposes of this exemption as the homestead of the person claiming the exemption.2. This chapter does not apply to a mobile home that: a. Is used only for the temporary living quarters of the owner or other occupant while the person is engaged in recreational or vacation activities, provided the unit: (1) Displays a current travel trailer license; or(2) Is a park model trailer that is used only for seasonal or recreational living quarters and not as a primary residence, and which is located in a trailer park or campground, and for which the owner has paid a park model trailer fee under section 39-18-03.2. For purposes of this paragraph, "park model" trailer means a recreational vehicle not exceeding forty feet [12.19 meters] in length which is primarily designed to provide temporary living quarters for recreation, camping, or seasonal use, is built on a single chassis, is mounted on wheels, has a gross trailer area not exceeding four hundred square feet [37.16 square meters] of enclosed living space in the setup mode, and is certified by the manufacturer as complying with American national standards institute standard A119.5.b. Qualifies as a farm residence as described by subsection 15 of section 57-02-08, provided such mobile home is permanently attached to a foundation.c. Is permanently attached to a foundation and is assessed as real property, provided the owner of such mobile home also owns the land on which such mobile home is located or is in possession of the real property under the terms of a lease in recordable form which has a term that continues for at least twenty years after the date of execution with the consent of the lessor of the real property.d. Is owned by a licensed mobile home dealer who holds such mobile home solely for the purpose of resale, and provided that such mobile home is not used as living quarters or as the place for the conducting of any business.Amended by S.L. 2019, ch. 391 (SB 2124),§ 136, eff. 1/1/2020.