Section 57-51.1-02 - Imposition of oil extraction tax1. There is hereby imposed an excise tax, to be known as the "oil extraction tax", upon the activity in this state of extracting oil from the earth, and every owner, including any royalty owner, of any part of the oil extracted is deemed for the purposes of this chapter to be engaged in the activity of extracting that oil. The rate of tax is five percent of the gross value at the well of the oil extracted.2. Subject to subsection 3, for a well located within the exterior boundaries of a reservation, a well located on trust properties outside reservation boundaries as defined in section 57-51.2-02, or a straddle well located on reservation trust land as defined in section 57-51.1-07.10, if the average price of a barrel of crude oil exceeds the trigger price of ninety dollars for each month in any consecutive three-month period, then the rate of tax on oil extracted from all taxable wells is six percent of the gross value at the well of the oil extracted until the average price of a barrel of crude oil is less than the trigger price of ninety dollars for each month in any consecutive three-month period, in which case the rate of tax reverts to five percent of the gross value at the well of the oil extracted. By December thirty-first of each year, the tax commissioner shall determine an indexed trigger price under this section by applying to the current trigger price an adjustment equal to the percentage rate of change of the producer price index for industrial commodities as calculated and published by the United States department of labor, bureau of labor statistics, for the twelve months ending June thirtieth of that year and the indexed trigger price so determined is the trigger price for the following calendar year. For purposes of this subsection, "average price" of a barrel of crude oil means the monthly average of the daily closing price for a barrel of west Texas intermediate cushing crude oil, as those prices appear in the Wall Street Journal, midwest edition. When computing the monthly average price, the most recent previous daily closing price must be considered the daily closing price for the days on which the market is closed.3. A tribe may make an irrevocable election to opt-out of the increased rate of tax provided in subsection 2 by providing written notice to the tax commissioner. If a tribe provides notice under this subsection, the rate of tax on oil extracted from taxable wells is equal to the rate of tax provided in subsection 1, beginning in the month of production after notice under this subsection is received by the tax commissioner.Amended by S.L. 2023 , ch. 557( HB 1286 ), § 1, eff. for taxable years beginning 7/1/2023.Amended by S.L. 2015 , ch. 466( HB 1476 ), § 3, eff. 1/1/2016.