Section 54-07-01.1 - Emergency powers of the governorIn emergencies in support of national defense, the governor may cooperate with any officer or agency of the United States in the transportation of persons or property and the conservation and utilization of vital transportation equipment, materials, and supplies, and when requested by such officer or agency, may issue executive orders related thereto which will:
1. Suspend or modify the enforcement of any statute, ordinance, or regulation relating to the operation of motor vehicles upon the highways and streets of the state where it appears that the enforcement of such statute, ordinance, or regulation would impede or interfere with the national defense.2. Prescribe maximum rates of speed at which any motor vehicle may be operated on any highway or street in the state.3. Prescribe the sizes and load weights of motor vehicles which may be operated on any highway or street in the state.4. Suspend the enforcement of any statute, ordinance, or regulation that requires any motor vehicle, bus, or housetrailer, to which a valid and unexpired permit or license has been issued by another state, to obtain a permit or license from this state.5. Prescribe reasonable regulations for the conservation and utilization of the highways and streets, and of vital transportation equipment, and materials and supplies used in connection therewith.6. Amend, revoke, or suspend any such executive order or regulation. The governor shall report to the legislative assembly at its next session any proceedings taken by the governor pursuant to this section. Such report must include copies of all executive orders or regulations promulgated by the governor.