N.D. Cent. Code § 54-03.2-10
All hearings of an investigating committee must be public except an investigative hearing of an individual may be closed upon specific request by the individual or the individual's counsel with consent of a majority of the committee.
The chairman of an investigating committee, if present and able to act, shall preside at all hearings of the committee and shall conduct the examination of witnesses or supervise examination by other members of the committee, the committee's counsel, or members of the committee's staff who are so authorized. In the chairman's absence or disability, the vice chairman shall serve as presiding officer. The committee shall provide by its rules for the selection of a presiding officer to act in the absence or disability of both the chairman and the vice chairman.
No hearing, or part thereof, may be televised, filmed, or broadcast except upon approval of the committee, by majority vote of all of its members.
N.D.C.C. § 54-03.2-10