N.D. Cent. Code § 54-02-07
There shall be awarded by the state of North Dakota, in the name of the legislative assembly and the citizens of this state, an award to be known as the Theodore Roosevelt rough rider award. The award is the highest recognition by the state of present or former North Dakotans who have been influenced by this state in achieving national recognition in their fields of endeavor, thereby reflecting credit and honor upon this state and its citizens. The award is not for momentary success, but only for genuine achievements of lasting significance. It is the intent of this section to guard the dignity of the rough rider award for recipients of the past as well as the future. The award, of a type and design approved by the governor, must be awarded by the governor upon the concurrence of the secretary of state and the director of the state historical society. A record of all such awards and pertinent information in regard to each recipient must be retained by the state archivist.
N.D.C.C. § 54-02-07