Section 53-06.2-04 - Duties of commissionThe commission shall:
1. Provide for racing under the certificate system.3. Adopt rules for effectively preventing the use of any substance, compound items, or combinations of any medicine, narcotic, stimulant, depressant, or anesthetic which could alter the normal performance of a racehorse, unless specifically authorized by the commission.4. Supervise and check the making of pari-mutuel pools, pari-mutuel machines, and equipment at all races held under the certificate system.5. Adopt rules governing, restricting, or regulating bids on licensees' concessions and leases on equipment.6. Consider all proposed extensions, additions, or improvements to the buildings, stables, or tracks on property owned or leased by a licensee.7. Exclude from racetracks or simulcast pari-mutuel wagering facilities any person who violates any rule of the commission or any law.8. Determine the cost of inspections performed under subsection 3 of section 53-06.2-05 and require the licensee to pay that cost.9. Report biennially to the legislative council regarding the operation of the commission.10. Provide notice to the North Dakota horsemen's council of meetings held by the commission and permit the North Dakota horsemen's council to participate in the meetings through placement of items on the agenda.11. Complete, distribute, and post on the commission's website the minutes of each commission meeting within thirty days of that meeting or before the next meeting of the commission, whichever occurs first.